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To stop
 to stop
chem. bloquer; encombrer; fermer; obstruer; enrayer; étancher
| an
tech. AN
| enemy
mil. logist. ennemi
| progressing
ling. progresser
| on
earth.sc. el. allumé
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| given
ling. donné
| direction
comp., MS itinéraire
| or
comp. OU
| route
commer. transp. avia. itinéraire aérien
2. A | tactical
gen. intra-théâtre
| mission
tech. mission
| task
comp., MS tâche
that | denies
commun. mater.sc. désavouer
| the
fin. La Banque nationale suisse a huit succursales.De plus,vingt agences sont gérées par des banques cantonales.
| enemy
mil. logist. ennemi
| access to
 access to
gen. accès à des moyens techniques
| an
tech. AN
| area
comp., MS zone
| or
comp. OU
| prevents
transp. empêcher
his | advance
comp. avancement
| in
row. "en bateau!"
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| direction
comp., MS itinéraire
| or
comp. OU
| along
gymn. en longueur
| an
tech. AN
| avenue of approach
 avenue of approach
mil. logist. cheminement
3 | An
tech. AN
| obstacle effect
 obstacle effect
construct. effet d'obstacle
that | integrates
comp. intégrer
| fire planning
 fire planning
forestr. planification de la protection contre le feu
| and
gen. ainsi que
| obstacle
avia. Canada obstacle
| effort
lab.law. efficience
| to stop
 to stop
chem. bloquer
| an
tech. AN
| attacker
fenc. attaqueur
| along
gymn. en longueur
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| specific
med. spécifique
| avenue of approach
 avenue of approach
mil. logist. cheminement
| or
comp. OU
| to prevent
 to prevent
chem. empêcher
him | from
market. exp
| passing
transp. croisement
| through
gen. sous le couvert de
| an
tech. AN
| engagement area
 engagement area
mil. logist. zone d'engagement de l'ennemi par le feu
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
to stop
chem. bloquer m; encombrer; fermer; obstruer; enrayer; étancher; calmer; arrêter f; mettre hors service; bourrer; remplir m; garnir m; boucher m; interrompre m; arréter; ajuster; mettre au point
construct. rebouchage m (peinture); obturer; calfater; fermer (etc.)
To stop an
: 1 phrase in 1 subject