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agric. produit des coupes
astronaut. transp. enlevement
coal. dépose
commun. IT transfert
construct. déblaiement
environ. élimination
life.sc. construct. retroussement
med. abrasion; évidement; avulsion
of a | patient
comp., MS Canada patient
| by
patents. par
any of a | variety
nat.sc. agric. variété
| of
gen. en date du..
| transport means
 transport mean
commer. transp. nautic. moyen de transport
| from
market. exp
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
theater of military operation | or
comp. OU
| between
transp. entre
| health services
 health service
econ. service de santé
| capabilities
IT transp. capacité
| for the purpose of
 for the purpose of
UN en vue de
| preventing
transp. empêcher
| further
UN affermir
| illness
econ. maladie
| or
comp. OU
| injury
bank. dommage
| providing
chem. fourniture
| additional
med. additionnel
| care
patents. soin
| or
comp. OU
| providing
chem. fourniture
| disposition
transp. règlement des non-conformités
| of
gen. en date du..
| patients
comp., MS Canada patient
| from
market. exp
| the
fin. La Banque nationale suisse a huit succursales.De plus,vingt agences sont gérées par des banques cantonales.
| military
tech. militaire
| health care system
 health care system
health. système des soins médicaux
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
removal [rɪ'mu:v(ə)l] n
gen. évacuation f; état d'épuisement (par manque de liquide)
agric. produit des coupes; retrait m; abattage m; abattage d'arbres; coupe f; coupe de bois; production de bois
anim.husb., food.ind. ablation f
astronaut., transp. enlevement
coal. dépose f
commun., IT transfert m
comp. dégagement m
construct. déblaiement m
crim.law., immigr. mesure mettant fin au séjour
environ. élimination f
environ., earth.sc., forestr. absorption f
forestr. vidange f
immigr. document de voyage ou d’identité frauduleux
law évocation f; annulation du legs; destitution f; extinction f; révocation f; révocation d'un legs
law, engl. ademption f
law, immigr. éloignement m
life.sc., construct. retroussement m
med. abrasion f; évidement m; avulsion f; déplétion f; extraction f
mil., logist. prélèvement m
tax. enlèvement m
transp. démoulage m
work.fl., mater.sc. démontage m
removals n
forestr. quantités enlevées; prélèvements m
removal General term indicating the elimination of substances from a medium or from the environment n
environ. élimination f
 English thesaurus
removal [rɪ'mu:v(ə)l] n
law The transfer of a state case to federal court for trial; in civil cases, because the parties are from different states; in criminal and some civil cases, because there is a significant possibility that there could not be a fair trial in state court
mil., logist. First step of a unit's movement, which includes: Planning: railcar load study rail transportation, determination of the number of vehicles road transportation, load distribution or organization, determination of the removal rate, removal order rollup of all these previous operations; Execution: movement to the embarkation points, embarkation within the planned time, while ensuring the security of the embarkation area. (FRA); Technical operation where an part or assembly is removed from an end item for a purpose of neutralisation, protection, cannibalization, or salvage. (FRA)
Removal of a: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
Procedural law2