
   English French
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gen. règlement
arts. règlement
econ. règlement
el. plage de régulation; régulation
law prescription
mech.eng. el. variation de tension; variation de vitesse
polit. réglementation
transp. réglage
| No
chem. oxyde nitrique synthétase
648 2012 | of
gen. en date du..
| the
fin. La Banque nationale suisse a huit succursales.De plus,vingt agences sont gérées par des banques cantonales.
| European Parliament
 European Parliament
econ. Parlement européen
| and
gen. ainsi que
| of
gen. en date du..
| the Council
 The Council
EU. Le Conseil… statue par voie de directives
| of
gen. en date du..
4 | July
transp. tech. juillet
2012 | on
earth.sc. el. allumé
comp., MS médicament sans ordonnance
- only individual words found

to phrases
regulation ['regju'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
arts. règlement m
automat. variation absolue de tension
chem. instructions f; arrangement m; réseau m; assemblage m; asservissement m
construct. régularisation f
econ. règlement m (EU, UE)
el. plage de régulation; régulation f
EU. reglement
hydrol. correction des lits torrentiels
law prescription f; arrêté m
law, polit. projet de règlement
mech.eng., el. variation de tension; variation de vitesse
patents. statut m; ordonnance f; décret m
polit. réglementation f; dispositions réglementaires
sport. réglement
transp. réglage m; lissage m
regulations n
construct. consignes f
econ. statut m
law règlements m
Regulation ['regju'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. règlement m
regulation EU ['regju'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
econ. règlement m (UE)
regulation The act of regulating; a rule or order prescribed for management or government; a regulating principle; a precept. Rule of order prescribed by superior or competent authority relating to action on those under its control ['regju'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
environ. règlement m
regulation A governmental order having the force of law ['regju'leɪʃ(ə)n] n
polit. réglementation f (Décret gouvernemental ayant force de loi)
 English thesaurus
regulation ['regju'leɪʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr. regu
IT Rules or laws defined and enforced by an authority to regulate conduct
law rule; A rule or order prescribed for management or government; law
mil., abbr. reg; regs; rgl
mil., logist. In an exploitation center: 1. for the outgoing messages, the processing of the messages sent by the authorities for whom the center works, in order to send them to the signal center to which they are addressed in the predetermined conditions of speed and security; 2. for the incoming messages, the deliver to the authorities for whom the center works, under a usable format, of the messages addressed to these authorities; 3. for the transmitting messages transmitting messages for which the delivery means or the cryptosystem is changed, the onward delivery of the messages to the following or final signal center. (FRA)
regulations abbr.
abbr. reg
Regulations abbr.
abbr., slang regs
Regulation No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC
: 1 phrase in 1 subject