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PAS [pɑ:] n
pharma. Etude des activités professionnelles
Pa [pɑ:] n
industr., construct., chem. Pascal m
 English thesaurus
PAS [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Performance Against Standard; Personal Assistance Services; Personality Assessment System; Product Approval Specification; Publicly Available Specification; Pan American Satellite; Passenger Accounting System; Philippine And Scandinavian; Plan Action And Success; Points Against Standards; Positive Attitudes For Success; Pregnancy Advisory Service; Pretty As Sugar; primary alerting system SAC; Panel on Aerodynamics and Structures; Philadelphia Astronautical Society; Polish Academy of Science; optoacoustic spectroscopy; periodic-acid-Schiff procedure; Production Advisory Service; Profile Alignment System (veryonehope); Program For Achieving Success; Project Art Show; Public Address System; Public Advertizing System; public affairs section (4uzhoj)
abbr., agrochem. Plant Available Silicon (Kovrigin)
abbr., astronaut. PanAmSat
abbr., auto. passive anti-theft system; power assisted steering; power-assisted steering; parking assist system; passenger; peripheral acceleration sensor; pulse air solenoid; pulse air system
abbr., avia. passenger address system; phase angle selector; primary alert system; performance advisory station; pilot advisory service; pilot advisory system; pitch attitude sensor; pneumatic actuation system; primary alarming system; product acceptance software; product availability search
abbr., avia., Canada private advisory station
abbr., biol. periodic acid Schiff staining
abbr., BrE pilot's attack sight
abbr., drug.name P-Aminosalicylic acid
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Astronomical Society; passive acoustic surveillance; pattern analysis system; Polish Academy of Sciences
abbr., ed. Physicians for Automotive Safety
abbr., el. panoramic attitude sensor; parametric amplifier system; personal authentication system; photoacoustic signal; photoacoustic spectroscope; physical access subsystem; physical address space; precision acquisition system; process analysis software; process automation system; processed array signal; program access specification; program address storage; protocol analysis system; power application software; publicly available specifications
abbr., el., scient. Photo- Acoustic Spectroscopy
abbr., electr.eng. power apparatus and systems
abbr., environ. Percussive Arts Society
abbr., file.ext. Pascal language source (Borland Pascal Vosoni); Pascal language source code file (Pascal - Delphi)
abbr., fin. Procurement Accredited Staff (World Bank May_Jasmine)
abbr., immunol. polyadenopathy syndrome
abbr., lab.eq. periodic-acid-Schiff
abbr., law Passive Alcohol Screening; Physician Assisted Suicide
abbr., Makarov. A
abbr., med. Periodic Acid-Schiff (reaction); Phosphatase Acid Serum; Publicly Assessed Subjects; paraaminosalicylic acid (Vosoni); Physician-assisted suicide (суицид с помощью врача marchuliette); periodic acid Schiff (reagent); para aminosalicylic (acid); patient absorbed serum; Patients' Aid Society; periodic acid Schiff reaction; physician's assistant-specialist; Physicians for Automobile Safety; poly adenopathy syndrome; professional activity study; pulmonary artery stenosis; periodic acid-Schiff reagent; Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale (ННатальЯ)
abbr., med.appl. photoacoustic spectrometry (harser)
abbr., mil. Personal Amplification System; Product Assessment Specification
abbr., mil., avia. passage
abbr., mil., WMD pollution abatement (system); Pollution abatement system
abbr., mining. para-aminosalicylic acid
abbr., mol.biol. Per-Arnt-Sim (Игорь_2006)
abbr., O&G Pipeline Application System (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G. tech. Pipeline Application Software (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil polyamine salt; port and starboard; process automation systems; pump actuator system
abbr., opt. photoacoustic spectroscopy
abbr., pharm. prior approval supplement (a filing with the FDA to gain approval of a major change that has a substantial potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product paseal)
abbr., pharma. prior approval supplement (предварительно одобренное досье peregrin)
abbr., physiol. Pattern Acquisition Syndrome
abbr., physiol., med. Parental Alienation Syndrome; Paste; Post Abortion Syndrome
abbr., plast. Polyarylsulfone; polyaryl sulfone
abbr., polym. poly (aryl sulfone); polyarylsulphone
abbr., post Postage Assessment System (consists of scales, scanners to assess postage for items shipped from Material Distribution Centers and to sort parcels); Postal Addressing Standards
abbr., progr. publicly available specification (ssn)
abbr., psychol. parental alienation syndrome (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., psychophys. Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (Игорь_2006)
abbr., scient. Per Arnt Sim
abbr., scottish Payload Assist System; Performance Advisory System; Perigee-Apogee-System; Police Aviation Services Ltd (UK); Power Available Shaft; Programmable Audio Synthesiser; Pulse Analysis System
abbr., sec.sys., IT Personal Access System; Privacy Act Statement; Protected Area System
abbr., space passive alignment system; payload accommodation studies; perigee-apogee satellite; phase address system; phase array system; photo acoustic spectrometer; plasma arc system; power apparatus and system
abbr., spectr. positron annihilation spectroscopy (MichaelBurov); positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (MichaelBurov)
abbr., sport. pituitary adrenocortical system
abbr., st.exch. PepsiAmericas, Inc.
abbr., tech. protection and alarm systems (http://www.uran.donetsk.ua/~masters/2002/eltf/kaydash/diss/diss.htm EgorNM)
abbr., tradem. Premium Artist Service
abbr., transp. Pedal Assist System; Power Assisted Steering
airports, avia. Paros, Greece
energ.ind. pressurizer auxiliary spray
mil. passed to the adjacent sector; personnel accounting symbol; personnel accounting system; personnel assignment survey; Plans and analysis Staff; pre-award survey; precise acquisition system; primary alerting system; professor of air science; program of advanced studies; pyrotechnics arming switch
railw. coach-sleeping car
tech. phased array, slaved; photo acoustic spectroscopy; probabilistic analysis staff; public announcement service
PAS+ abbr.
abbr., med. periodic acid-Schiff positive (Баян)
PA [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr., AI. Programmer's Apprentice
abbr., avia. pilotless aircraft; pilot's assistant; pneumatic altimeter; pneumatic autopilot; post assembly; pressurized aircraft; preventive actions; primary area; primary axis; probabilistic analysis; procurement agent; product audit; production aid; production aircraft; production allocation; program amplifier; prohibited area; property administration; proportional amplifier; pseudo assembly
abbr., med. conduction time through atrium; paralysis agitans; periarteritis; pernicious anemia; personnel and administration; pharmacologic activity; platelet aggregation; posterioanterior; pressure area; proactivator; prolonged action; prophylactic antibiotics; psychoanalyst; pulpoaxial
abbr., mil. Procurement Agency
abbr., mil., avia. Office of Public Affairs
pas [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. passage; passivated (Mumma)
abbr., el. Pascal
gram. passive
Pa [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr., med. pathology
PAs [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Police Agents
pA [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr. picoampere
.pas n
file.ext. PASCAL source code (file name extension)
μPa n
O&G, sakh. micro Pascal (1 x 10-6 Pa)
PAS [pɑ:] abbr.
abbr., checkers. protective aircraft shelter (ВосьМой)
: 30 phrases in 11 subjects
Corporate governance1
Labor law1
Materials science2
Social science1