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comp., MS labo
geogr. laboratoire

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
lab [læb] n
comp., MS labo m (A collection of non-production machines that are used to test an Internet Explorer Package. The lab is not the same as a pilot group)
geogr. laboratoire m
med. présure f; lab-ferment m; caillette f
 English thesaurus
Lab [læb] abbr.
abbr. labeled avidin biotin (Игорь_2006); Labour Party; Labrador
dog. Labrador dog (MichaelBurov)
inf. Labour
Lab. abbr.
abbr. labor; labour; Labrador
LAB [læb] abbr.
abbr. Language Across Borders; Ligon Arts Boosters; Listener Advisory Board; Land Of Ass Backward; Laza Ass Bastards; Linux Audio Board; lactic acid bacteria (oxana135)
abbr., avia. Lablab, Papua New Guinea
abbr., bacteriol. lactic acid bacterium (igisheva)
abbr., Canada Labrador
abbr., chem. linear alkylbenzene (линейный алкилбензол Сабу)
abbr., chem., scient. Linear Alkyl Benzene
abbr., crim. Laboratory Accreditation Board (Alex Lilo)
abbr., ed. Language Assessment Battery
abbr., el. logic array block (ssn); linear air bearing stage; line attachment board; local area broadcast; logic array block (architecture)
abbr., file.ext. Mailing labels (Q+E for MS Excel); Datafile (NCSS - SOLO)
abbr., IT Datafile
abbr., lab.eq. Lactic Acid Bacteria
abbr., med. Low Adhesion Backsizing (слабо прилипающая клеевая основа Acruxia); low-anxiety-related behaviour (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Laboratory
abbr., nurs. left anterior fascicular block
abbr., scottish Light Assault Bridge; Low Altitude Bombing
abbr., sport. League Of American Bicyclists
abbr., st.exch. Labranche & Company, Inc.
abbr., vet.med., med. Labrador Retriever
mil. leave authorization balance; light attack battalion; low-altitude bombing
lab [læb] abbr.
abbr. label
abbr., earth.sc. labradorite
abbr., med. laboratory
O&G labor
lab. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. labile
abbr., tech. laboratorium
polym. laboratory
LAB [læb] abbr.
abbr. Laboratory for Applied Biophysics
abbr., busin. Labor Advisory Board; laborer
abbr., med. lactic acid bacteria (молочнокислые бактерии oxana135)
abbr., oil Log Angeles basin
abbr., space laboratory module
: 33 phrases in 15 subjects
Earth sciences1
European Union1
Medical appliances1
Natural sciences2
Research and development1