
   English French
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comp. job
comp., MS travail; tâche
IT tech. travail
law lab.law. emploi; poste de travail; tâche
slang boulot; taff
social.sc. petit boulot
| and
gen. ainsi que
| Opportunity
law opportunité
| to Improve
 to improve
chem. améliorer
| Neighborhoods
construct. voisinage
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
job [d͡ʒɒb] n
comp. job m
comp., MS travail m (A specified amount of processing performed as a unit by a computer); tâche f (A specified amount of processing performed as a unit by a computer)
construct. endroit de ou du travail
IT, tech. travail m
law, lab.law. emploi m; poste de travail; tâche f
met. pièce f; pièce de fabrication; pièce travaillée; pièce usinée; pièce à exécuter; pièce à travailler; pièce à usiner
slang boulot m; taff m
social.sc. petit boulot
textile profession f
jobs n
account. emplois m
market. pacotille f
 English thesaurus
JOB [ʤɔb] abbr.
abbr. Just Out Of Bondage; Jump Out Of Bed; Job Opportunity Bank; Journey Of The Broke
abbr., ed. Just Outstanding Books
abbr., file.ext. Job object
abbr., inet. Just Over Broke
abbr., IT Job object
abbr., mil. Japanese Ocean Bomb
abbr., mil., avia. joint operations board
abbr., scottish Joint Operations Bureau (Sri Lankan armed forces)
abbr., st.exch. General Employment Enterprises
JOBS abbr.
abbr. Jobs Opportunities And Basic Skills; Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits, And Stability; Jumpstart Our Business Strength Act; Job Opportunities in the Business Sector
abbr., mil., avia. job opportunities in the business center
abbr., scient. Job Opportunities And Business Support
Jobs and
: 70 phrases in 15 subjects
Information technology6
International Monetary Fund1
Labor law6
Obsolete / dated2
Social science3
Trade unions1