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EOM | character
commun. el. caractéristique
comp., MS caractère
econ. réputation
fish.farm. phénotype; trait
law moeurs; moralité; nature
med. caractère
pragm. personnage

to phrases
 English thesaurus
EOM abbr.
abbr. Electronic Office Manager; Employee Of The Month; End of Mission; End Of Month; Every Opportunity Matters; Eyes On Me; electro-optic modulator; end of the month
abbr., astronaut. Earth observation mission
abbr., auto. electronic overhead module
abbr., comp., net. event-oriented modelling
abbr., earth.sc. extracellular organic matter; extracted organic matter
abbr., el. electro-optical modulator; electro-optics material
abbr., el., scient. Equations Of Motion
abbr., elect. Election Observation Mission (OSCE/ODIHR MichaelBurov)
abbr., exhib. event operations manual
abbr., HR enterprise operations management (Метран)
abbr., IT Electronic And Optical Materials; Extensibility Object Model; end of message (Bricker); event-oriented modeling
abbr., Makarov. electrooptic modulator; equation of motion
abbr., med. Equal Ocular Movement; Extraocular Movements; Extraocular Muscle; extraocular muscles; Extraocular muscle; extraocular muscles; external ocular muscle; extra ocular movement
abbr., mil. End Of Message
abbr., nautic., scient. Earth Observation Missions
abbr., oil extractable organic matter; end of medium; end of mini-op; equivalent offset migration; extracted extractable organic matter
abbr., ophtalm. extraocular muscles (глазодвигательные мышцы, не "экстраокулярные"!!! doc090)
abbr., phys., scient. Equation Of Motion
abbr., progr., IT Enterprise Output Management
abbr., space earth orbital mission; electro optic modulator; engineering operations manual
mil. emergency operational message; end of mission
physiol., med. Extraocular Movement
tech. electrooptical modulator; end of message character; every other month
telecom. End of Message (DQDB, SMDS)
eom abbr.
abbr. end of month
EOM: 2 phrases in 1 subject