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chem. acides désoxyribonucléiques; acide désoxyribonucléique
econ. ADN
| Unwinding
fin. dénouer
IT débobiner
IT tech. dérouler
bank. dénouement
construct. déroulage
fin. révocation
| Element
gen. ouvrage
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
chem. acides désoxyribonucléiques; acide désoxyribonucléique
econ. ADN
DNA The principal material of inheritance. It is found in chromosomes and consists of molecules that are long unbranched chains made up of many nucleotides. Each nucleotide is a combination of phosphoric acid, the monosaccharide deoxyribose and one of four nitrogenous bases: thymine, cytosine, adenine or guanine. The number of possible arrangements of nucleotides along the DNA chain is immense. Usually two DNA strands are linked together in parallel by specific base-pairing and are helically coiled. Replication of DNA molecules is accomplished by separation of the two strands, followed by the building up of matching strands by means of base-pairing, using the two halves as templates. By a mechanism involving RNA, the structure of DNA is translated into the structure of proteins during their synthesis from amino acids n
environ. ADN
 English thesaurus
DNA abbr.
abbr. Do Not Accept; Digital Network Alert; Direct Network Attach (Xyratex, RAID); digital network architecture; distribution network automation; did not attend (iwona)
abbr., anat. dorsal nasal artery (ННатальЯ)
abbr., anim.husb. virus deoxyribonucleic acid virus
abbr., astronaut. Defence Nuclear Agency (USA)
abbr., auto. Dynamic, Normal, All weather (режимы езды: спортивный, городской и безопасный (всепогодный) translator911)
abbr., avia. deoxygenate nuclear acid; Direction de Ia Navigation Aerienne; do not approach area; domain name address
abbr., biochem. desoxyribonucleic acid
abbr., chem. dinitroanizole; nickase
abbr., comp., net. DEC Network Architecture; distributed network agent
abbr., desert. desoxyribose nucleic acid
abbr., earth.sc. delayed neutron activation analysis
abbr., econ. DNA
abbr., el. distributed network architecture; deoxyribonucleic acid (chip); decentralized network analyzer; destination node address; distributed Internet application architecture; distributed Internet architecture
abbr., el., scient. Do Not Adjust
abbr., genet. de-oxy ribonucleic acid (MichaelBurov); deoxyribonucleic acid (MichaelBurov); de-oxyribonucleic acid (MichaelBurov); de-oxy-ribo-nucleic acid (MichaelBurov); deoxyribonucleic aicd
abbr., inet. Do Not Ask
abbr., IT Data Not Available; Distributed Network Attack (Alex Lilo)
abbr., market. Distinctiveness, Novelty and Attributes (kopeika)
abbr., med. deoxyribonucleic acid; ADN
abbr., mil. Defense Nuclear Agency; Deputy for Nuclear Affairs
abbr., police Genetic Fingerprinting
abbr., polym. dinonyl adipate
abbr., scottish Defense Nuclear Agency USA Later, Defense Special Weapons Agency; Directorate of Naval Architecture (UK)
abbr., space distribution internet application
abbr., telecom. distributed network architecture
mil., abbr. did not attend; does not apply
NYSE., st.exch. Genentech, Inc.
tech., abbr. does not answer
—DNA abbr.
abbr., genet. minus strand DNA
: 428 phrases in 24 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Criminal law5
Food industry2
Health care68
Information technology4
Life sciences54
Name of organization7
Natural sciences15
Obsolete / dated1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Research and development1
United Nations1