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continuing education
econ. éducation permanente
ed., empl. éducation des adultes
social.sc., ed., lab.law. formation continue; formation professionnelle continue
continuing education A comprehensive term referring to all forms and types of education pursued by those who have left formal education at any point and who have entered employment and/or assumed adult responsibilities
polit. éducation permanente (Terme utilisé dans un sens très large pour désigner tout type et forme d'enseignement ou de formation poursuivis par ceux qui ont quitté l'éducation formelle quelque soit leur niveau, qui ont exercé une profession ou qui ont assumé des responsabilités d'adultes)
continuing education Various forms, methods, and processes of formal and informal education for the continued learning of all ages and categories of the general public. Oriented toward the continued learning/developmental processes of the individual throughout life
environ. formation continue
 English thesaurus
continuing education
gen. a program of instruction designed primarily for adult students who participate part-time
Continuing Education
: 21 phrases in 4 subjects
Health care4