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Communication from the Commission
 communication from the Commission
gen. communication de la Commission
| Energy
polit. ENERGIE
energ.ind. Actions de RDT; Energies
polit. Energie
gen. nerf
polit. énergie
nucl.phys. радиоакт. énergie des particules alpha
| for
gen. dans le chef de
| the future
 the future
gen. le futur
| Renewable sources of energy
 renewable sources of energy
environ. energ.ind. el. source d'énergie renouvelable
| White Paper
 white paper
ed. livre blanc
| for
gen. dans le chef de
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| Community
EU. Communauté
| strategy
math. stratégie
| and
gen. ainsi que
| action plan
 action plan
econ. plan d'action

to phrases
communication from the Commission
gen. communication de la Commission
Communication from the Commission: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Energy industry2