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BER [bə:] n
comp. taux d'erreurs sur le bits; TEB; rapport d'erreurs sur le bits
 English thesaurus
BER abbr.
abbr., el. backward error recovery; binary error rate; bit-error-rate; block error rate; block error result; byte error rate
abbr., med. biological equivalent of Roentgen
Ber. abbr.
abbr. Berton's Reports; Berlin
Ber abbr.
abbr., med. Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology
geol. Berrias (MichaelBurov); Berriasian (MichaelBurov)
Ber. n
law Berton's Reports, New Brunswick
BERS abbr.
abbr. Beres Industries, Inc.
BER abbr.
abbr. block error ratio; Berber; Blossom End Rot; Budget Execution Report; Bureau For Education Research; The Board Of Elected Representatives; Business Expense Report (SEIC ABelonogov); Berber (Other)
abbr., avia. Beyond Economic Repair (ремонт экономически не целесообразен (обычно если стоимость ремонта превышает 60%-65% стоимости нового изделия) geseb); bit error rate
abbr., chem., scient. Base Extraction Rate
abbr., comp., net. bus extension receiver
abbr., comp., net., IT Basic Event Representation
abbr., earth.sc. Bering Sea; bit-error rate
abbr., environ. Base Emission Rate
abbr., IT block error probability; box event record; bus extension receiver card; Basic Encoding Rules; Binary Encoded Representation; Bit Error Ratio; basic encoding rules
abbr., med. Basal Electrical Rhythm; Biological and Environmental Research
abbr., mil. Beyond Economical Repair; Bit Error Rate; Budget Execution Review; Ballistic Extended Range (qwarty); bit error ratio
abbr., mil., avia. basic encoder rules
abbr., mol.gen. base-excision repair (Игорь_2006)
abbr., oil bit error rates
abbr., org.name. Berlin Liaison Office
abbr., progr. basic encoding rules (базовые правила кодирования ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Byte Encoding Rules
abbr., scottish Beyond Economic Repair (UK)
abbr., sport. Basic Error Rules
abbr., st.exch. Bond Equivalency Rate
airports, avia. Berlin, Germany
energ.ind. boiling experimental reactor
mil. beyond economic repair; biological equivalent Roentgen
tech. beamed-energy rocket
BER: 1 phrase in 1 subject