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to phrases
radiation dose
earth.sc. dose de rayonnement
el. dose de radiation
environ. dose de radiations
health. exposition f
med.appl. dose d'exposition
mil., logist. dose d'irradiation
дозим. dose f
γ-radiation dose
nucl.phys., дозим. dose gamma
дозим. dose γ; dose de rayonnement gamma; dose de rayonnement γ
radiation dose The total amount of radiation absorbed by material or tissues, in the sense of absorbed dose, exposure dose, or dose equivalent
environ. dose de radiations
 English thesaurus
radiation dose
mil. The total amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by material or tissues, expressed in centigrays cGy or sieverts (SV)
mil., logist. The total amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by material or tissues, expressed in centigrays. (FRA)
USA The total amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by material or tissues (JP 3-11) see also exposure dose
radiation dose: 52 phrases in 12 subjects
Earth sciences2
Energy industry1
Health care4
Medical appliances2
Nuclear physics16
Радиоактивное излучение12