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RES [reis,ri:z] abbr.
abbr. remote entry subsystem
abbr., busin. result
abbr., earth.sc. response envelope spectrum; Royal Economic Society
abbr., life.sc. reticulo endothelial system
abbr., oil rock embedment strength; ready for service; regardless of feature size; rust-free steel
oil, abbr. reference energy system
res [reis,ri:z] abbr.
abbr. rescue; reservation; reserve; residence; resignation; resigned; resources; respiratory; restaurant
abbr., earth.sc. resistant
abbr., med. residue; resort; resume
abbr., oil research
automat. resolver
biol. resonance
IT resistor
law A thing; an object; a subject matter; or a status
res. abbr.
abbr. residence; resident; reservoir; resistivity; resource
abbr., busin. resources
abbr., earth.sc. resolution; restricted
abbr., libr. reserved
abbr., phys. resonance
polym. cell. resistant cellulose; residue; resistance
qual.cont. research; reserve
.res abbr.
file.ext. Resource (file name extension)
RES [reis,ri:z] abbr.
abbr. Red Eared Slider; Renewable Energy Source; Rapid Evaluation System; Remote Earth Sensing; Remote Entry Services; research EMP simulator; research project; residual; resistance; reset signal
abbr., auto. radio equipment and systems; remote engine starter system
abbr., avia. Resistencia, CH, Argentina; Receive Earth Station; radio frequency surveillance
abbr., biol. reticulo-endothelial system
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Execution Server
abbr., el. receiver element sequence; reentry system; reference earth station; relay earth station; request for engineering service; reserved; restraint system
abbr., el., scient. Resonance Enhancement System
abbr., file.ext. Remote Entry Service; Remote Execution Service; Reset; Resolution; Windows compiled resource package (Vosoni); Compiled resource (MS C/C++ - Borland C++)
abbr., fin. Research Department
abbr., immunol. reticuloendothelial system
abbr., IT Compiled resource; Resource; XBoard Resign conferences file
abbr., med. Reproducibility Echocardiography Study; reticulo-endothelial system (MichaelBurov); reticuloendothelial system (MichaelBurov); Restan
abbr., mil. Resistance; Rudder, Elevator, and Spoilers; Radar-Electronic Support; radiation exposure status; research EMP simulator res
abbr., mil., avia. radio electronic system
abbr., mil., WMD Remaining Effective Stabilizer
abbr., oil resistivity (andrushin)
abbr., post Remote Encoding System (manual encoding replaces Imaging Processing Subsystem for unreadable mail, 2008-2010)
abbr., scottish Radar Emitter Simulator; Radio Emission Surveillance; Remote Emitter System
abbr., sec.sys., IT Revised Encoding Scheme
abbr., st.exch. RPC, Inc.
abbr., telecom. Radio Equipment and System
abbr., transp. Rudder Elevator And Spoilers; Rudder Elevator Spoiler
comp. remote earth station
comp., IT Restore
energ.ind. representative event sequences
mil. radar environment simulation; radar evaluation squadron; radiation exposure state; regulations for engineer services; renewable energy sources
tech. nuclear regulatory research; radar echo simulation; radiation equivalent source; radio exploration satellite; remote excavation system; restricted
Res [reis,ri:z] abbr.
abbr. reservoir
abbr., med. resident
REs [reis,ri:z] abbr.
abbr. rare earths
Res. abbr.
abbr. resistor
: 25 phrases in 3 subjects