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Stevens-Johnson syndrome
med. σύνδρομο Stevens-Johnson (erythema exsudativum multiforme); νόσος Johnson-Stevens (erythema exsudativum multiforme); μείζον πολύμορφο ερύθημα (erythema exsudativum multiforme); σύνδρομο Fissinger-Rendu (erythema exsudativum multiforme); σύνδρομο αναπνευστικού βλεννογόνος (erythema exsudativum multiforme)
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Stevens- Johnson Syndrome
immunol., abbr. SJS
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome SJS
med. A severe and sometimes fatal form of skin rash characterized by red, blistered spots on the skin; blisters in the mouth, eyes, genitals, or other moist areas of the body; peeling skin that results in painful sores; and fever, headache, and other flu-like symptoms. Internal organs may also be affected. Stevens-Johnson syndrome SJS may occur as a severe reaction to certain drugs, including some antiretroviral ARV HIV drugs.