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comp., MS πρόγραμμα
IT tech. προγραμματίζω
med. ρουτίνα; πρόγραμμα
med. πρόγραμμα
| of
gen. από
| Community
comp., MS κοινότητα
health. κοινότης
life.sc. environ. nat.res. οικολογική κοινότητα
| action
comp., MS ενέργεια
| to
el. επιβράδυνση
| prevent
account. προλαμβάνω
| and
gen. και
| combat
gen. μάχομαι
| violence
econ. βία
| against
law κατά
| children
econ. παιδί
young people | and
gen. και
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
program ['prəʊgræm, 'proʊ-] n
comp., MS πρόγραμμα (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management)
med. ρουτίνα; πρόγραμμα
to program ['prəʊgræm, 'proʊ-] n
IT, tech. προγραμματίζω
programming ['prəugræmɪŋ] v
IT, tech. προγραμματισμός
programme ['prəugræm] adj.
med. πρόγραμμα
 English thesaurus
program ['prəʊgræm, 'proʊ-] abbr.
abbr. pgm; prog; progr
abbr., plast. programme
IT A structured grouping of interdependent projects that is both necessary and sufficient to achieve a desired business outcome and create value. These projects could include, but are not limited to, changes in the nature of the business, business processes and the work performed by people as well as the competencies required to carry out the work, the enabling technology, and the organizational structure.
mil., abbr. pm
mil., logist. Set of instructions written in a specific language, and used by a computer. (FRA)
progr. computer program (ssn)
programme ['prəugræm] abbr.
abbr., IT prog
Program ['prəʊgræm, 'proʊ-] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .prg (file name extension)
Programme of Community action to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Human rights activism3
Social science1