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tea [ti:] n
gen. чай m (рослина, напій); настій; міцний відвар; бульйон; вечеря з чаєм; чашка чаю
amer. жовто-зелений колір
bot. чайна рослина; камелія
tea [ti:] v
gen. пригощати чаєм; поїти чаєм; пити чай
tea [ti:] adj.
gen. чайний
 English thesaurus
TEA [ti:] abbr.
abbr. Technical Exception Authorisation (утверждение технического исключения Гевар); transversely-excited atmosphere-pressure (laser); triethylaluminium; Technology For Enabling Awareness; Transitional Employment Assistance; Transversal Excited Atmospheric; Tactical Exploitation Assessment; Test and Evaluation Agency; Trade Expansion Act; Transcendent Eternal Absolute
abbr., avia. task equipment analysis; technological evaluation and approval; thermal energy analysis; transferred electron amplifier
abbr., cem. trimethyl amine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. aluminium triethyl; Tetraethylammonium (Игорь_2006)
abbr., chem., scient. Terminal Electron Acceptor
abbr., comp.name. tensile energy absorbtion (oduvan4ik)
abbr., earth.sc. Technical Engineers Association
abbr., ed. Teachers Experiencing Antarctica; Teddies Education Association; Terminal Education Age; Training Education And Awareness
abbr., el. test equipment accessory; Tokyo Electron America, Inc.; translation exception address; transverse electric atmospheric pressure (CO2 laser); triethylammonium; tunnel emission amplifier; transversely excited atmosphere (laser)
abbr., el., scient. Transverse Excited Atmosphere
abbr., food.ind. Traditional English Ale
abbr., immunol. "T early alpha"
abbr., inet. Tomorrow And Everyday After
abbr., IT Tiny Embedded Application
abbr., med. "T early alpha"; thromboendarterectomy; Temporal External Artery; Tetraethylammonium; Thermal Energy Analyzer; Thromboendarterectomy; Total Elbow Arthroplasty; Triethanolamine; TetraEthyl Ammonium
abbr., media. Theatrical Equipment Association
abbr., mil. Training Effectiveness Analysis; Transportability Engineering Analysis; Transportation Engineering Agency; Transportation Engineering Agreement
abbr., mil., WMD thermal energy analyzer
abbr., O&G turbo-expanding assembly; tri etanol amine (MichaelBurov); tri-etanol amine (MichaelBurov); trietanol amine (MichaelBurov); trietanol-amine (MichaelBurov); trietanolamine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. travel expense accounting (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. travel and entertainment accounting
abbr., O&G, sakh. Technical and Economic Analysis
abbr., oil technical evaluation agreement; thermal evolution analysis; tank farm automation; technical and economic assessment
abbr., opt. transversely excited atmospheric
abbr., polym. triethanolamine; triethylaluminum
abbr., relig. The Experience Of All
abbr., sec.sys., IT Tiny Encryption Algorithm
abbr., space torque equilibrium attitude; trajectory estimation algorithm; transferred-electron amplifier; triethyl alcohol
abbr., st.exch. Templeton Emerging Markets Appreciation Fund
abbr., telecom. Transit Europe-Asia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. Trans European Airways
abbr., transp. Transportation Enhancement Act; Transportation Equity Act
airports, avia. Tela, Honduras
chem. Triethylamine
mil. target engagement area; task equipment analysis; test equipment analysis; test equipment, accessory; training effectiveness analysis; transversely-excited atmospheric
tech. target echo attenuation; transferred electron amplifier; transversely excited at atmospheric pressure
: 201 phrase in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Food industry1
Information technology1
Records management1