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pat [pæt] n
gen. поплескування; ляскання; шльопання; оплеск (звук); ляпанець (звук); стук; звук кроків; шматок m (масла); кружальце n (масла); чечітка; танець американських негрів; вдало; патент (patent); зразок m (pattern); приклад m (pattern)
Pat [pæt] n
gen. Пет m (жартівливе прізвисько ірландця)
names Пат (Patrick, чоловіче ім'я); Пет m (Patrick, чоловіче ім'я)
pat [pæt] v
gen. до речі; поплескувати (когось); шльопати; погладити (когось); пригладжувати; огладжувати (коня)
amer. хлопати себе по колінах і притопувати під музику (дивлячись на танцюючих)
pat [pæt] adj.
gen. підхожий; доречний; своєчасний; вчасний; вдалий; своєчасно
pat [pæt] abbr.
gen. вчасно; твердо; точно; добре
 English thesaurus
pat [pæt] abbr.
abbr., med. patented; paternal origin
PAT [pæt] abbr.
abbr., avia. pitch attitude trim; plastic apply template; primary access terminal; partial revision telex; pattern recognition technique; plastics-rubbers-textiles
abbr., chem. poly aminotriazole
abbr., cryptogr. personal trust agent
abbr., med. platelet aggregation time; testicular pain
abbr., media. picture and text
abbr., mil., avia. passive acoustic torpedo
Pat. abbr.
abbr. Patent Office
abbr., busin. patron
pat [pæt] abbr.
abbr. patient
biol. paternity
pat. abbr.
abbr. patented
abbr., dril. pattern
polym. patent
.pat abbr.
file.ext. Patch; Pattern (file name extensions)
PAT [pæt] abbr.
abbr. Parents Are There; Process Analytic Technology; Process Analytical Technology; Profit After Tax; Program Assessment Team; Parents Appreciate Teachers; Patents Appeal Tribunal; Patrick Air Force Base; patrol; pattern; Payload Associated Transporter; Performance Acceleration Technique (Intel, MCH); Performance Achievement Target; Peripheral Attribute Table; Personal Applied Technology; Personal Assistant Technician; Personal Attributes Training; PHP Administration Tools; Physical Attack Table; Planning Assistance Team; Poisoned Arrow Trap; Port and Address Translation (IOS, Cisco, LAN, IP); Power Angle And Tilt; Power Attitude Trim; Practical Application Tool; Preliminary Acceptance Test; Product Acceptance Test; Product Assurance Test; Proline Alanine And Threonine; Property Assignment Tool; Pump Algebra Tutor; Pacific Air Transport
abbr., account. profit after tax
abbr., avia. pilot applications terminal
abbr., avia., med. preflight adaptation training
abbr., busin. pend patent pending
abbr., chem. phenylazotriphenylmethane
abbr., comp. programmer aptitude test; programmer aptitude tester
abbr., comp., net., IT Port Address Translation
abbr., construct. powder-actuated tool (A powder-actuated tool (PAT, often generically called a Hilti gun or a Ramset gun after their manufacturing companies) is a type of nail gun used in construction and manufacturing to join materials to hard substrates such as steel and concrete. Known as direct fastening or explosive fastening, this technology is powered by a controlled explosion of a small chemical propellant charge, similar to the process that discharges a firearm. wikipedia.org 'More)
abbr., dentist. papilla amplification technique (MichaelBurov); papilla amplification techniques (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Petroleum Authority of Thailand; pump-and-treat; pumps-as-turbines; turbine pump; purposive action theory
abbr., ed. Parents And Teachers; Parents As Teachers; Phonological Auditory Training; Phonological Awareness Test; Preferred Activity Time
abbr., el. pattern assembly technique; page allocation table; parallelization assistant; path analysis technique; performance acceptance test; personalized array translator; phonon-assisted tunneling; positron annihilation technique; precision aiming technique; prediction analysis technique; pseudo-adder tree; punch-through avalanche transistor
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (1bit, Patent data, US Patent and Trademark Office); Gravis Ultrasound Patch (Convert (c) Villena Vosoni); Hatch patterns (AutoCAD - Photostyler); Programmer's Aptitude Test; Sound patch (Gravis Ultrasound); Vector fill files (CorelDraw)
abbr., health., med. Polygon Attribute Table
abbr., hi-fi Picture-And-Text
abbr., IT Player Activated Terminal; Point And Transfer; Portable Appliance Testing; port and address translation; Program Association Table; personal access token (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., med. Picric Acid Turbidity; Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase; Process Analytical Technologies; Pain Assessment Tool (Анастасия_О); paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (Vosoni); Pre Admission Testing; pericardial adipose tissue (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Process Action Team; Passive Angle Track; public affairs team
abbr., nucl.pow. power ascension test (Boris54)
abbr., oil Pipe Analysis Tool (glenfoo); production analysis tool; pulse arrived time
abbr., oncol., med. Physical Ability Test
abbr., opt. pointing, acquisition and tracking
abbr., physiol., med. Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia; Peripheral Arterial Tonometry; Pet Assisted Therapy
abbr., polym. polyaminotriazole
abbr., post Process Activated Training
abbr., progr. process analytical technology (процессная аналитическая технология ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. Pre-acceptance test (Unicum); process-assessment test
abbr., scottish Power-Assisted Traverse
abbr., space preliminary acceptance trial; production acceptance testing
abbr., sport. Point After Touchdown
abbr., tel. Per-hop behavior (Yakov); Port address translation (Yakov)
abbr., transp. Port Authority Transit
airports, avia. Patna, India
comp. pointing and tracking
energ.ind. preliminary acceptance tests
mil. parts accountability technique; passive angle tracking; pattern analysis test; permanent analysis team; personnel authorization table; phased array tracking; plenum air tread; post-acceptance trials; post-availability trials; power assisted traverse; preadmission testing; preliminary acceptance trials; priority air transportation; priority air travel; problem action team; production acceptance test; production assessment test; program analysis team; programmable automatic tester; property and accounting technician
tech. passive acoustic torpedo; performance appraisal team; plutonium air transportable; production-assessment test
Pat [pæt] abbr.
abbr. Patent and Trademark Review
abbr., busin. patented
abbr., oil Patace
invest. patent
: 31 phrases in 6 subjects
European Union1
Food industry2