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mho [məu] n
O&G мо; сіменс (одиниця провідності)
 English thesaurus
mho [məu] abbr.
abbr. Siemens
abbr., earth.sc. reciprocal ohm; reciprocal ohms
abbr., med. siemens unit
O&G a unit of conductance (A mho is calculated by amperes divided by voltage (A/V) and is the reciprocal of an ohm)
unit.meas. mo (устар. MichaelBurov)
mho <устар.> [məu] n
el. S (MichaelBurov)
unit.meas. S (in the International System of Units SI (MichaelBurov); om-1 (MichaelBurov)
unit.meas., obs. mo (MichaelBurov)
μmho abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. micromho
MHO [məu] abbr.
abbr., ecol. municipal housing organization
abbr., inet. My Humble Opinion
abbr., med. Medical Health Officer; microsomal heme oxygenase
abbr., railw. Maryn Rail Yard Hump Oil
abbr., st.exch. M I Schottenstein Homes, Inc.
abbr., tech. conductancia de un circuito de un ohmio de resistencia; MHO; unidad de conductancia; mho
abbr., tradem. Melaka Hotel Online; Mental Health Outcomes, Inc.
unit.meas. 1 / Ohms