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date time group
mil. дані про дату та час
date-time group
avia. група "дата-час"
mil. група чисел "число-година"; дата і час (в повідомленнях); група число-година (група з шести цифр, літери, що вказує часовий пояс, та скороченої назви місяця); позначення дати і часу (цифрове)
mil., logist. група «дата-час»
 English thesaurus
date-time group
avia., Canada A combination of the date and time in a single six-figure group. When used in the text of a NOTAM, it is composed often figures, e.g. 9501191200. The first two digits indicate the year; the second two, the month; the third two, the day; and the last four, the hour and the minutes.
mil., logist. A group of six digits with a zone time suffix and the standardized abbreviation for the month. The first pair of digits represents the day; the second pair the hour; the third pair the minutes. After the month may be added the last two digits of the year. (UKR/NATO)
USA The date and time, expressed as six digits followed by the time zone suffix at which the message was prepared for transmission (JP 5-0; first pair of digits denotes the date, second pair the hours, third pair the minutes, followed by a three-letter month abbreviation and two-digit year abbreviation.)
Date Time Group
abbr., astronaut., mil. DTG
date time group
: 2 phrases in 1 subject