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SVC abbr.
abbr. Stored Value Card; Switched Virtual Circuit / Channel / Connection (ATM, PVC)
abbr., auto. Saab Variable Compression Ratio; swirl valve control
abbr., automat. Sensorless Vector Control (ssn); sensorless vector control (translator911)
abbr., avia. Silver City, New Mexico USA; service message
abbr., commun. Switch Virtual Circuit; switched virtual circuit
abbr., comp., net. switched virtual channel; switched virtual connection
abbr., comp., net., IT Shared Virtual Circuits
abbr., ed., scient. Saginaw Valley College; Saint Virgils College; Skagit Valley College; Stanford Validity Checker
abbr., el. signaling virtual channel; supervisor call (instruction); selective voltage contrast; servicing; swap virtual chain; switched virtual calling; switch virtual connection
abbr., el., scient. Static Var Compensator; Super Vari Color
abbr., electr.eng. static reactive-power compensator; supervisory voltage control
abbr., file.ext. Supervisory Cell
abbr., fin. El Salvador Colon
abbr., IT Single Voice Coil; Supervisor Call; Switched Virtual Circuit; Switched Virtual Connection; speaker volume control; supervisor call
abbr., med. slow vital capacity (harser); superior vena cava (MichaelBurov); suprahepatic vena cava
abbr., media. Slayer And Vampire Chronicles; switched virtual circuits
abbr., mil. Service; stored value card
abbr., mil., avia. service compartment
abbr., mil., WMD supply ventilation chamber
abbr., nautic., scient. Spring Viremia Of Carp
abbr., opt. Society of Vacuum Coaters
abbr., org.name. Standing Veterinary Committee
abbr., physiol., med. Superior Vena Cava
abbr., progr. switched virtual circuit (коммутируемый виртуальный канал ssn); sampled value control (ssn)
abbr., scottish Special Verification Commission
abbr., sport. Scioto Valley Conference; Sydney Volleyball Club
abbr., tax. service charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tradem. Silicon Valley Compucycle
energ.ind. reactive power compensator; static compensator; volt-amperes reactive compensator
mil. secure voice communications; service command
tech. standard supervisor calls; standing veterinary committee; supervisor call instruction; supervisor call routine
SVCS abbr.
abbr. Star Vector Calibration Sensor
abbr., avia. Simulated Voice Communication System
abbr., el. satellite video communications service; software version control system
abbr., med. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
abbr., oil services (plural for service)
svc. abbr.
abbr. service
svc abbr.
abbr. service
SVC abbr.
abbr., avia. signaling virtual channel; supervisory channel; switched virtual calling
abbr., comp., net. signalling virtual channel
abbr., hydroel.st. static var compensation
abbr., med. subclavian venous catheter (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., sport. The Committe of Sitting Volleyball
abbr., telecom. switched virtual call