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 English thesaurus
LS abbr.
abbr. Labor Saving; Land Surveyor; List Shows; Labor Service; Lacks Software; LAN Server (IBM); Land Forces, Southern Europe; Language Sensitive; Laser Serial; Laser Servo; land station; learning system; link status; logical station; low structure; Launch Service; launcher site; Law Select; Leading Seaman; Lepidopterists' Society; Letter Signed; Level Subroutine; Licentiate in Surgery; Lifespan Setting; Light Seconds; limestone; Limit State; Limiting switch (soa.iya); Link Server; Link Similar; Link State; Linnaean Society; Linux Standalone; List For Similar; list of spare parts (eternalduck); List Scheduling; List Short; List Star; Little Shit; Local Scope; Locus Sigilli (place of seal); Logic Switch; London Scottish; Long Shen; Long Stroke; Lots Standard; Louisville Field Office; Low Shrinkage; Lucky Sis; light sourse
abbr., agric. Light Sussex
abbr., alum. live steam
abbr., astronaut. Laser Sintering (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. leaf spring; load-sensing; luxe special; luxury sports
abbr., auto.ctrl. least squares (ssn)
abbr., avia. landing strip (Yakov); the last message sent by me was...; last sending; less; line stretcher; bottle liquid scanner; liquid scanner; landmark subsystem; laser sensitometer; laser sensor; lateral separation; lateral stability; lead sealing; library system; light sensitivity; limit speed; limiting speed; line select key; list of specification; longitudinal separation; longitudinal stability
abbr., biol. luteinization stimulator
abbr., BrE Letter Service
abbr., brit., mil. lance sergeant
abbr., busin. language student; line shipping; long sight
abbr., cables low smoke (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. levee station
abbr., chem. lauryl sulphate; sodium lauryl sulphate
abbr., commer. Logistics Support; Lockheed Standards; Syrian pound
abbr., commun. linkset
abbr., comp., net. Library Server; Licensing System
abbr., comp., net., IT Local Storage; Local System; Luxury Sport
abbr., earth.sc. last step; late sangamon; least squares method; lens spectrometer; line source; literature search; longest sample; low-sulphidation; low sulfur; luminescence spectrometry; Russel-Saunders Coupling
abbr., el. low-power Schottky (logic device); least square; Langmuir-Schaefer transfer; language specification; language system; large screen (FED); laser scanner; laser scriber; laser scribing; laser source; late scramble; launch sequencer; lead separation from bump; lens scan system; lenticular screen; letter shift; library software; life support; light sensor; line sawtooth; line synchronization; line system; lithography simulation; loading splice; local service; local switch; local switching; logic simulator; longitudinal staggering; lot size; lower sideband; low-spin (state); lunar satellite; low-speed
abbr., electr.eng. light source; line switch; load shedding
abbr., exhib. latest start
abbr., fin. Language Services
abbr., foundr. lug side (одна из сторон надрессорной балки Technical)
abbr., inet. Lots Of Stuff
abbr., insur. Liner shipping; livestock; Summer timber load line
abbr., IT Least Significant; Load Save; Login Shell; Loop Start; less significant; load server
abbr., lab.eq. Lab Setup; Lamp Source
abbr., ling. lexical set (igisheva)
abbr., Makarov. lantern slide; lapped seam; long shot; low Schottky
abbr., math., scient. La Salle; Large Scale
abbr., med. Leigh Syndrome; Leiomyosarcoma; Leriche Syndrome; Linear Scleroderma; Liver And Spleen; Least Squares; Load And Save; Low Speed; lumbosacral (пояснично-крестцовый Dimpassy); genital lichen sclerosus (MichaelBurov); LSA (MichaelBurov); lichen sclerosus (MichaelBurov); lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (MichaelBurov); Csillag's disease (MichaelBurov); lichen albus (MichaelBurov); hypoplastic dystrophy (MichaelBurov); white spot disease (MichaelBurov); kraurosis (MichaelBurov); guttate morphea type planus (MichaelBurov); guttate scleroderma (MichaelBurov); lichen sclerosus type (MichaelBurov); hallopeau I disease (MichaelBurov); von Zambusch disease (MichaelBurov); von Zambusch’s disease (MichaelBurov); von Zumbusch disease (MichaelBurov); von Zumbusch’s disease (MichaelBurov); liminal sensitivity; lymphosarcoma; lysate supernatant
abbr., med.appl. lymphosorption; linear stapler (igisheva)
abbr., mil. Land Sea; Longitudinal Section; Land System (qwarty); landing site; Landing System; launch system; launching station (Киселев)
abbr., mil., WMD Limit switch
abbr., nautic. Lumpsum
abbr., O&G Communication Lines (MichaelBurov); lump sum (tat-konovalova)
abbr., O&G, sakh. load sense (control system)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. limit of supply
abbr., O&G. tech. landing string (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil laboratory system; lacustrine siltstone; laminated sand sheets; landward stepping; layer seismic; length of stroke; lever switch; light ship; light switch; lignosulfonate; liquid slug; listed securities; long space; long string; loud-speaker; low shrink; low sulphur; low-pressure steam; lower shore-face
abbr., opt. logical sum
abbr., pest.contr. solution for seed treatment
abbr., pharm. labeled strength (заявленное содержание aguane)
abbr., physiol. Lateral Shield; Left Side; Lung Sound; Lung Sounds
abbr., physiol., med. Left side; Lumbar Spine; Lumbosacral
abbr., polit. Lesotho; Liechtenstein
abbr., polym. laminated sheet; left side; level switch; light scattering; low-structure
abbr., progr. line separator (ssn)
abbr., radio loose shot; loud speaker
abbr., scottish Liechtenstein (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. loamy sand soil texture class
abbr., space landmarks subsystem; launch sequence; launch silo; life science; line scanner; line-of-sight; liquid state; local store; logistical support
abbr., sport. Long Shot
abbr., stat. least square (ННатальЯ)
abbr., tech. load sensing; liquid sensor; lay-up survey
abbr., telecom. Line Station
abbr., textile Long Sleeve; long sticks
abbr., tradem. Lone Star
abbr., weld. longitudinal seam (bonly)
ecol. lightship station
energ.ind. left-side; licensing submittal; limestone consumption
mil. landing ship; laser seeker; laser system; launch simulator; launch site; launch station; launching silo; lead sheet; level setter; life system; line scan; list of specifications; logistic support; loudspeaker; low speed
O&G low pressure steam
tech. last sent; lighting system; linear smoothing; local synchronization; locked shut
ls abbr.
abbr. least significant; left side; lightship; local sunset
abbr., med. labiale superius
nautic. lump sum
Ls abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. shale limestone
ls. abbr.
abbr., libr. libraries
Ls abbr.
abbr., oil Lats
nautic. low-sulphur (Ying)
ls. abbr.
O&G, sakh. limestones
Ls. abbr.
abbr., geol. limestone
insur. Lumpsum (lumpsum freight)
lso, c abbr.
abbr., med. limit switch (open, close)
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology1