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Caesar ['si:zə] n
gen. римський імператор; кайзер; самодержець; імператор; верховна влада
bible.term. кесар m
hist. Цезар
 English thesaurus
CAESAR ['si:zə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. CCD airborne experimental scanner for applications in remote sensing
abbr., mil., fr. Camion Équipé d'un Système d'Artillerie
abbr., scottish CAmion Equipe d'un Systeme d'Artillerie. 155mm/52 cal (SP artillery system (France)); Component & Engine Structural Assessment Research programme (USAF)
caesar ['si:zə] adj.
health. Central Asian and Eastern European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (Millie)
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