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verb | adjective | to phrases
project The complex of actions, which have a potential for resulting in a physical change in the environment [prɔ'ʤəkt] v
environ. proje
 English thesaurus
project [prɔ'ʤəkt] v
gen. ~on
IT A structured set of activities concerned with delivering a defined capability that is necessary but not sufficient, to achieve a required business outcome to the enterprise based on an agreed-on schedule and budget
PROJECT ['prɔʤəkt] abbr.
abbr., avia. project tracking software system
Project ['prɔʤəkt] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .prj (file name extension, Borland)
projected ['prɒdʒεktɪd, 'prɑːdʒ-] abbr.
abbr., oil proj
Projected ['prɒdʒεktɪd, 'prɑːdʒ-] adj.
account., abbr. P
: 65 phrases in 4 subjects
Austrian usage2
Non-governmental organizations2