
   English Norwegian Bokmål
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comp., MS inntekter; omsetning
| Tonne
gen. tonn
| The
gen. de; den; det
| overall
gen. overalt; samlet; helhetlig; overordnet
RT | is
comp., MS informasjonssystemer
| calculated
gen. beregne
| on
gen. i
| a
gen. i
| line
comp., MS linje
| by
gen. nœr
| line
comp., MS linje
| basis
gen. grunnlag
| of
gen. fra
| the
gen. de
Packing | List
comp., MS liste
using | the
gen. de
| largest
comp., MS Størst
| amount
gen. belšp
| The
gen. de
| overall
gen. overalt
| freight
comp., MS frakt
| liability
comp., MS gjeld
| is
comp., MS informasjonssystemer
| calculated
gen. beregne
| on
gen. i
| the
gen. de
total RT | amount
gen. belšp
multiplied by | the
gen. de
| freight
comp., MS frakt
| rate
gen. sats
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

adjective | noun | to phrases
revenue ['revɪnju:] adj.
comp., MS inntekter (An increase in an organization's assets or a decrease in an organization's liabilities during a reporting period); ómsetning (An increase in an organization's assets or a decrease in an organization's liabilities during a reporting period)
 English thesaurus
revenue ['revɪnju:] abbr.
abbr. rev (Vosoni)
Revenue ['revɪnju:] n
account., abbr. R
: 8 phrases in 1 subject