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noun | adjective | to phrases
tuba ['tju:bə] n
life.sc. Rüsselwolke f; Schlauch m; Trichter m; Wolkenschlauch m
med. Derris m (Derris elliptica, Derris trifoliata)
tubas n
gen. Tuben f
tuba ['tju:bə] adj.
life.sc. tuba
tech. Tuba
 English thesaurus
tuba ['tju:bə] adj.
med. derris (Derris elliptica, Derris trifoliata)
TUBA ['tju:bə] abbr.
abbr. TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TCP, UDP, RFC 1347)
abbr., IT TCP & UDP with Bigger Addresses
abbr., mil. Tu Be Announced; transition unit box assembly
abbr., mus. Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association
abbr., physiol., med. Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation
abbr., progr., IT Technology Usability and Business Architecture
abbr., sport. The Underground Bowling Alley
tuba: 18 phrases in 3 subjects