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gen. Pensum; Amt; Arbeit; Aufgabe; Schularbeit; Schulaufgabe
tech. Aufgabenstellung; Auftrag
| implementation
gen. Ausführung
| notice
gen. Aviso
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
task [tɑ:sk] n
gen. Amt n; Arbeit f; Aufgabe f; Schularbeit f; Schulaufgabe f; in Anspruch nehmen; Pflicht f; beschäftigen
agric. Soll n; Hausarbeit f; Zustreich- f
AI. Kontext m; Ziel f
comp., MS Task m (An action that diagnoses or repairs a problem. A task can also automate a management process); Aufgabe f (A personal or work-related project, assignment, or errand to be tracked through to completion)
econ. auferlegte Arbeit; Mindestleistung f; jmd. eine Arbeit zuweisen; jmd. beschäftigen; stark beanspruchen (Kräfte usw)
ed. Amtspflicht f; Dienstpflicht f
IT, tech. Task m
law, lab.law. Tätigkeit f
mining. Fördersoll n; Vortriebssoll n
tech. Aufgabenstellung f; Auftrag; Pensum n; Problem n; Prozeß m; Teilaufgabe f; Vorgabe; Aufgabe Arbeit; Handlungssituation f
alotted task [tɑ:sk] n
gen. Pensum n
tasks n
gen. Aufgaben
 English thesaurus
task [tɑ:sk] n
mil., logist. What has to be done for the execution of the mission. It can either be the entire action to undertake rarely, or only part of it most of the time. It requires the use of specific assets and procedures movements, crossing, departure, collection.... Tasks can either be simultaneous or successive. (FRA)
USA A clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority (JP 1)
TASK [tɑ:sk] abbr.
abbr. Teaching Agricultural Safety To Kids; Teens Are Saying Know; Teleteaching Anywhere Solution Kit
abbr., el. temporary assembled skeleton
abbr., oil transfer and scattering kinetics
meteorol. true airspeed in knots
mil. turnaround support kit
tech. temporary assigned skeleton
TASk [tɑ:sk] abbr.
abbr., avia. true air speed in knots
task implementation
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
International Monetary Fund1
United Nations2