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noun | noun | verb | to phrases
spires n
gen. Spitzen n
spire ['spaɪə] n
gen. Kirchturmspitze m; Spitze f (Turm-); Turmspitze f; Helm m
construct. Helmdach n; Turmdach n; Turm m; Spitze f; Kirchturmspitze m (oberer Teil); Spitzturm m; Dachhelm m; Turmhelm m; Zinne f; Turmdachpyramide f
mining. harte Kohle
paleont. Gewinde n
phys. Lage f; Windung f
spiring v
mining. Einspießen (eines Ausbaubogens in die Firste)
 English thesaurus
SPIRE ['spaɪə] abbr.
abbr., el. spatial inertial reference equipment
abbr., mil., avia. sensor performance in radiation environment
abbr., scottish Sight Periscopic InfraRed Equipment; Skeletal Perspective Image; Spatial & Spectral Infra-Red Experiment (USA)
abbr., space space inertial reference equipment
mil. special intelligence report
tech. sensor performances in radiation environments project; space infrared experiment program; spectral infrared rocket experiment
SPIRES abbr.
abbr., el. Stanford public information retrieval system
mil. Special Intelligence Reports; standard personnel information retrieval system
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Weapons and gunsmithing1