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noun | verb | to phrases
scuttle ['skʌtl] n
gen. Bullauge n; Luke f; trippeln; versenken
auto. Windlaufquerteil m (Wischer)
brit. Lüftungsblech n (am Auto)
construct. kleines, liegendes Dachfenster; Legfenster n; liegendes Dachfenster
construct., amer. Deckenöffnung f; Deckenluke f; Falltür f
mun.plan., chem. Kohleneimer m; Kohlenschuetter m
tech., industr., construct. Abzug m
Scuttle US: cowl; area between bonnet and windscreen ['skʌtl] n
transp. Windlauf m
scuttle ['skʌtl] v
gen. hoppeln; krabbeln; ruinieren
scuttles v
gen. ruiniert
 English thesaurus
SCUTTLE ['skʌtl] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. submarine component of undersea anti-terror tactics, logistics and engagements
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
Municipal planning2