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screamed v
gen. gegellt; geschrieen; schrie; gebrüllt; geheult; gekreischt; geschrien
scream [skri:m] v
gen. brüllen
tech. kreischen
screams v
gen. schreit
sharp scream [skri:m] v
gen. durchdringender Schrei
 English thesaurus
SCREAM [skri:m] abbr.
abbr., ed., scient. Student Club Of Realistic Effects Animatronics And Make-believe; Students Challenging Realities And Educating Against Myths
abbr., el. Single-crystal reactive etching and metallization (semfromshire); single crystal reactive etching and metallization process
abbr., relig. Street Children Reconciliation Education And Assistance Ministry
abbr., tradem. Suriname Caribbean Roots Entertainment And Musicians
: 24 phrases in 2 subjects