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sat [sæt] v
gen. saß
sit [sɪt] v
econ. Sitzung halten; einen Sitz innehaben; in einem Gremium sitzen; Examen machen; Prüfung machen; passen (z.B. Kleidung)
emerg.care sitzen
law, ADR zur Sitzung zusammentreten
mining. hereinbrechen lassen (einen Stoß nach dem Unterschrämen)
tech. hinsetzen; tagen; thronen
sits v
gen. sitzt
sat [sæt] abbr.
gen. gesessen
SAT site acceptance test [sæt] abbr.
gen. Abnahme Überprüfung einer technischen Anlage am Aufstellort
 English thesaurus
sat [sæt] abbr.
abbr. sampler address translator; satisfactory
abbr., oil saturation
med. saturated (Vosoni)
polym. saturate
sat. abbr.
abbr. saturation
abbr., busin. satin silk
abbr., earth.sc. saturate; saturated
SAT [sæt] abbr.
abbr. San Antonio, Texas; Science And Technology (Interex); Sell-Assessment Test (s Interex); SIM Application Toolkit (SIM, GSM); Smart Amp Technology; Standard Assesssment Task (Interex); Standard AUTODIN Terminal (AUTODIN, Mil.); Summed Area Table (3D, MIP)
abbr., agric. serum agglutination test
abbr., auto. self aligning torque; semiautomatic transmission; Siemens adaptive TM control; surface-air gap technology
abbr., avia. Satellite Telecommunication System; site acceptance test; Standalone Tower; systems approach to training; select at test; sensor actuator; service acceptance trails; special air transport; Sperry automated tester; stabilization assurance test; subassembly template; system approach to trains
abbr., avia., med. spatial apperception test
abbr., biotechn. sero-agglutination test
abbr., chem. structural atypism
abbr., commer. Simplified Acquisition Threshold; Southern Air Transport
abbr., commun. System Acceptance Tests
abbr., comp. system analysis table
abbr., earth.sc. satellite artificial terrestre; spectral analysis techniques; stepped atomic time
abbr., ed. Scholastic Achievement Test; Standardized Aptitude Test (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Science, Aeronautics, And Technology; Student Assistance Team
abbr., el. satisfiability; scanning acoustic tomography; segmented auto thresholding; selenium arsenic tellurium; sense-address transition; simulation after test approach; Society of Acoustic Technology; solid angle transform; structured analysis tool; system access technique; system analysis test; system authorization table; systems aging testing
abbr., el., scient. Self Adjusting Threshold
abbr., electr.eng. silicon asymmetrical trigger; site acceptance tests
abbr., fin. State Administration of Taxation
abbr., heat. supply-air temperature (Millie)
abbr., HF.electr. supervisory audio tone
abbr., immunol. spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis
abbr., inet. Sick And Twisted; Spare A Thought
abbr., IT Save As Text; SIM application toolkit (Bricker)
abbr., math., scient. Scholastic Aptitude Test
abbr., med. self-administered therapy; Arterial oxygen percent saturation (Andrey Truhachev); Stool Antigen Test (iwona); Substance Abuse Treatment (iwona); self-administered treatment (iwona); Sathuperi; School Ability Test; speech awareness threshold; Stanford Achievement Test; subacute thyroiditis
abbr., meteorol. standard area of tinplate
abbr., mil. Satellite; Systems Approach to Training; satellite
abbr., mil., avia. safe arming time
abbr., mil., WMD Site acceptance test; Special action team
abbr., nautic. San Antonio Tx, U.S.A.
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Seismic Acquisition Tool
abbr., oil signal attenuation tool; safety analysis table; seismic reference service with 3-axis tool; simulation after test site acceptance test; stand alone terminal; subscriber access terminal
abbr., physiol., med. Satisfactory
abbr., polym. sol-air temperature
abbr., progr., IT Sprite Animation Toolkit
abbr., qual.cont. system acceptance test
abbr., relig. Seekers After Truth
abbr., scient. Surface Air Temperature
abbr., scottish Sea Acceptance Testing; Small Arms Trainer; Societe Anonyme de Telecommunications (France)
abbr., sec.sys. supervising audio tone
abbr., semicond. surface-alloyed transistor
abbr., soil. Soil Aquifer Treatment (eugeene1979)
abbr., space software audit team; static air temperature
abbr., tax. State Administration of Taxation (Китая tvkondor)
abbr., transp. San Antonio International Airport
el., abbr. Spray acid tool
energ.ind., abbr. simulator acceptance test; system auxiliary transformer
IT, abbr. Satellite (Space)
meteorol., abbr. South Atlantic
mil. sabotage alert team; Seattle Army terminal
mil., abbr. sate acceptance test; scholastic aptitude test; scientific advisory team; security alert team; semiautomatic test equipment; service acceptance trials; small-arms training; special assistance team; specific aptitude test; system alignment test; system approach to training; systems acceptance tests
O&G, abbr. site acceptance testing
physiol. Saturation (usually Oxygen Saturation)
tech., abbr. self-alignment technique; site access training; small aperture antenna; small aperture earth terminal; spray additive tank; startup auxiliary transformer; station auxiliary transformer; surface anisotropic etch; surface anisotropic etching; surface-alloy transistor; synchronized acoustic transmitter; synchronous/asynchronous transmitter; synthetic aperture tomographic system; systematic approach to training
Sat. abbr.
abbr. Saturn; Saturday
Sat [sæt] abbr.
abbr. Saturday
SaT [sæt] abbr.
abbr., space satellite terminal
: 77 phrases in 18 subjects
Health care2
Labor law2
Mechanic engineering1
Social science2