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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
romance [rə(u)'mæns] n
gen. Romanze f; romantisches Liebesabenteuer; Ritterroman m; Romanzen dichten; Versroman m; ins Schwärmen geraten über
tech. Roman m
romances n
gen. Romanzen f
romance [rə(u)'mæns] v
gen. fabulieren über
romanced v
gen. dichte
Romance [rə(u)'mæns] adj.
gen. romanisch
 English thesaurus
romance [rə(u)'mæns] n
lit. Traditionally, a long fictional prose narrative about unlikely events involving characters that are very different from ordinary people, e.g knights. Nowadays the modern romance novel is a prescribed love story, where boy meets girl, obstacles get in the way, they are then overcome and the couple live happily ever after.
Romance [rə(u)'mæns] abbr.
abbr. R
: 27 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1