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noun | verb | to phrases
reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] n
gen. Behälter m; Sammelbecken n; Speicher m (Wasser); Staubecken n; Wasserstaubecken n; Stausee m; Talsperre f; Mine Kugelschreiber, Filzstift
agric. Grube f; Gefäß n
busin. Sammelbehälter m; Wasserbehälter m
chem. Speicher m (Reservoir)
construct. künstliches Rückhaltebecken; Stau m; Stauung f; Kessel m
earth.sc., mining., oil Trägergestein n; Speichergestein n; Speicherstätte f
el. Speichersee m
electrophor. Wanne f
environ. Speicherbecken n; Wasserrückhaltebecken n
hydrol. Bassin n; Wasserbecken n
mater.sc. Loeschwasserbehaelter n; Wasserreservoir n
meas.inst. Vorratsbehälter m (tank, e.g. pneumatics)
mech.eng. Tank f
mining. natürliche unterirdische Lagerstätte (von Gas, Öl oder Wasser); Erdöllagerstätte f; Erdgaslagerstätte f; Wasserspeicher m
nat.res. wasserwirtschaftlicher Speicher
tech. Becken n; Reservoir n; Vorratsbehälter m; Sammler m; Zisterne f; Reservetank m
transp. Sammelbehaelter n
transp., construct. Behaelter m
storage reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] n
nat.res. Lagerbehälter m; Lagertank m; Speicherbecken n; Speicherwasserbecken n
reservoir bottle ['rezəvwɑ:] n
gen. Ausgleichsbehälter m
reservoirs not of metal nor of masonry n
gen. Behälter Tanks, nicht aus Metall und nicht aus Mauerwerk; Tanks, nicht aus Metall und nicht aus Mauerwerk
reservoir An artificial or natural storage place for water, such as a lake or pond, from which the water may be withdrawn as for irrigation, municipal water supply, or flood control ['rezəvwɑ:] n
environ. Speicherbecken n
reservoirs n
gen. Behälter m
reservoir elevated ['rezəvwɑ:] n
gen. Hochbehälter m
reservoir refrigerant circuit ['rezəvwɑ:] n
transp. Auffangbehälter m
reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] v
med. Pool; Pfütze; Zisterne (cisterna)
 English thesaurus
reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] abbr.
abbr. resvr; rsvr
med. Resting CD4 cells or other cells that are infected with HIV but not actively producing HIV. Latent HIV reservoirs are established during the earliest stage of HIV infection. Although antiretroviral therapy ART can reduce the level of HIV in the blood to an undetectable level, latent reservoirs of HIV continue to survive. When a latently infected cell is reactivated, the cell begins to produce HIV again. For this reason, ART cannot cure HIV infection. see also viral latency
reservoir management
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1