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to phrases
pilotage ['paɪlətɪʤ] n
gen. Leitung f
agric. Lotsen
econ. Lotsenkunde m; Lotsengebühr f; Führung f
environ. Lotsendienst m
law, ADR Lotsengeld n
transp. Luftfahrzeugführung f; Lotsenkunst f
pilotage dues ['paɪlətɪʤ] n
gen. Lotsengebühr f
pilotages n
gen. Leitungen f
pilotage The service provided by a pilot, one who controls the movements of a ship or aircraft by visual or electronic means ['paɪlətɪʤ] n
environ. Lotsendienst m
pilotage: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1