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to phrases
pilot-in-command ['paɪlətɪnkə'mɑ:nd]
econ., amer. Flugzeugkommandant m
transp., avia. verantwortlicher Flugzeugführer; verantwortlicher Luftfahrzeugführer; verantwortlicher Pilot
pilot in command
gen. Luftfahrzeugführer m
 English thesaurus
pilot-in-command ['paɪlətɪnkə'mɑ:nd]
avia., Canada The pilot having responsibility and authority for the operation and safety of the aircraft during flight time
avia., Canada, mil. The pilot, designated by the competent authority, who has command of the aircraft, crew and all persons on board and is responsible for the safe execution of the flight
avia., Canada, NATO The aircrew member designated by a competent authority as being in command of an aircraft and responsible for its safe operation
Pilot In Command
abbr., scottish PIC
: 2 phrases in 1 subject