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gen. Anteil; Einzelteil; Rolle; Teil; trennen; lösen
| motor
gen. Motor
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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
part [pɑ:t] n
gen. Anteil m; Einzelteil m; Rolle f; Teil m; trennen; lösen; sich trennen von (with); scheiden; sich trennen; Stimme f; scheiteln; Nummer f; Heft n (One of the subordinate units into which a document has been divided. A single issue of a serial publication); Lieferung f (One of the subordinate units into which a document has been divided. A single issue of a serial publication); teils
agric. Stück Land; Grundstück n; Parzelle f; Element n; Quote f
amer. Scheitel m
busin. Teilbetrag m
chem. Bruchstück n; Fragment n
commun. Teilband n; Unterabschnitt m
comp., MS Teil m (An element in a control template that has special, possibly mandatory, significance and semantics in the functioning of the control. For example, a template for a ScrollBar control should supply a Thumb part for the ScrollBar to function correctly, but it need not provide a small decrease or a small increase button)
econ. Lieferung f; Pflicht f; Sache f; Amt n; Bezirk m; Teü
law Partei f
law, ADR Seite f
mech.eng. der Teil; Teil eines Stückes; das Teil; Maschinenteil m
med. Abschnitt m (pars); collateralis medialis articulationis collaterals medialis articulationis (pars); einteilen; Teil m (pars, portio); Portio f (pars, portio)
pack. auftrennen
patents. v. tekst : Unterabschnitt
phys. Baustein m; Untermenge f
polygr., model. Faszikel m
tech. Abschnitt m; Abteilung f; Baueinheit f; Bauteil n; Bestandteil m; Bruchteil m; Gegend f; Komponente f; Partie f; Stück n; teilen; Teilstück n; Werkstück n; abstechen
telecom. Teil m (Bauteil); Bauelement n
weap. Zubehörteil n
parts n
gen. Stimmen auch im Sinn von Noten
part [pɑ:t] v
gen. sich trennen (von); weggehen von
econ. abteilen; auseinandergehen; aufgeben; aufstecken; verlieren; verkaufen; loswerden
geol. sich lösen; sich trennen
tech. zerteilen
parts v
mech.eng. Zubekoer
parted ['pɑ:tɪd] v
gen. auseinandergegangen (alt)
 English thesaurus
part [pɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. partial; participant; participate; participating; particular; partner; partnership
abbr., busin. participator
abbr., med. pars
abbr., med., lat. partis
abbr., mining. p.
abbr., polym. pt
agric. partition
gram. participle
law, abbr. pt.
med. pt (MichaelBurov)
mil., logist. In logistics, an item of an assembly or sub-assembly, which is not normally further broken down. (FRA)
O&G partings (very thin layers of sedimentary rocks)
part. abbr.
abbr. partial; participating; particular; partition; portable
abbr., commer. partner; partnership
abbr., earth.sc. particle
abbr., med. vic in divided doses
gram. participle (collinsdictionary.com ssn)
PART [pɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. Planning Of Activities Resources And Technology; Program Assessment Rating Tool (Amanda)
abbr., el. page activity reference table; parametric target system
abbr., mil. Part Analysis And Requirements Tracking
abbr., mil., avia. participate
abbr., transp. Pressure Alignment Rotation And Tread
mil. parts allocation requirements technique
Part. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. parting
abbr., el. particulate density
part. abbr.
gram. p. (ssn)
part motor
: 10 phrases in 6 subjects