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MG abbr.
abbr. machine gun
 English thesaurus
mg abbr.
abbr. flue gas mass per actual burned fuel; message; microgram; motor grease (автомобильная консистентная смазка Secretary)
abbr., earth.sc. magnesite; milligon
abbr., med. milligram; % concentration of a solution, milligrams per 100 milliliters
abbr., oil medium grained
auto. milligramme
polym. marginal
mg. abbr.
abbr. message; milligramme
abbr., libr. magazine
econ. milligram (Seregaboss)
μ mg abbr.
abbr., med. micromilligram; nanogram
mg% abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. milligrammes per cent
MG abbr.
abbr. Mahatma Gandhi; Malagasy; Man Of God; Master Gardener; Minas Gerais; machine glazed; machine gun; magnetic armature; Major Gaffes; Management Game; Marketing Goddess; Marvel Graphics; Master Generator; Mega Grams; Memphis Group; Message Generator; Metal Gates; Milligram - 0.001 Gram; Mister Green; Modified Gypsum; "machine glazed"; magnesium gearbox; molecular weight; main governor; micro-granule; More Grief; Morgan Group, Inc.; Morris Garage; Mort's Great; Morton Goldberg; multigage; Military Government
abbr., agric. Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Баян)
abbr., astr., scient. Meteor Garden
abbr., auto. motor/ generator
abbr., avia. master gauge; main gear; motorglider; magnifying glass; main gage (gauge); main landing gear; master gage; motor glider; multi-function generator
abbr., BrE Master-General
abbr., busin. magazine; make good
abbr., chem. monoglyceride (моноглицерид Min$draV)
abbr., commun. Media Gateway
abbr., construct. marbled glazed paper
abbr., earth.sc. machine-glazed; magnetite; marin grans; matrix generator; multigauge; multigrid algorithm; museum of geoscience
abbr., econ. middling grey
abbr., ed., scient. Many Girls
abbr., el. magnetic gap; mask generation; metallic glass; metallurgical grade; midgap level; mobility gap; modulation grid; motion graphics; multicast grouping; mail group
abbr., el., scient. Manufactured goods
abbr., electr.eng. main generator; motor-generator
abbr., file.ext. Generic module source (Modula-3)
abbr., inet. My Guess; My Guy
abbr., IT Managing Gigabytes; Minimum Guarantee
abbr., lab.eq. Micoplasma Gallisepticum
abbr., med. Medial Gastrocnemius (muscle); Membranous Glomerulonephritis; Muscle Group; Magnesium; myasthenia gravis; macroglobulinemia; medical gymnastics; my as tenia gravis
abbr., media. Magic Gate
abbr., mil. Machine Gun; Major General; major-general; ministerial guidance; military information support operations group
abbr., mil., WMD Motor generator
abbr., oil multi-grade; electromagnet; malachite green; megagauss; meta-greywacke; metagabbro; micro-guard logging tool; mille thousand gallons; mud gradient; multi-graded; multi-gain
abbr., oncol., med. Malignant Glioma
abbr., pest.contr. microgranule
abbr., physiol., med. Muscle group
abbr., polit. Madagascar; Mongolia
abbr., polym. methacrylate graft
abbr., scottish Main Group (NATO); Marine Gabonaise (Gabon Navy)
abbr., semicond. multi grid
abbr., slang machine-gunner; machine gunner (WWII MichaelBurov)
abbr., space model generator
abbr., sport. Mediterranean Games
abbr., textile middling gray
abbr., tradem. Medical Group; Morris Garages; Music Group; Musical Group
abbr., transp. Might Go
comp. master group
meteorol. morning
mil. machinegun; maintainability group; maintenance group; master gunner; midcourse guidance; military geography; military government; military governor; missile gas; missile guidance; mixed grain
tech. magnetic-armature loudspeaker; manual group; margin; milligauss; mobile generator; multigrade
unit.meas. Milligrams
Mg abbr.
abbr. Magnesium
abbr., energ.ind. magnesium (химический элемент; применяется в тепловой и ядерной энергетике)
abbr., med. magnesium
abbr., oil millions of gallons
abbr., space megagramme
abbr., tech. megagram
energ.ind. molecular weight of the gas
mgs abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. magnesite
Mgs abbr.
abbr. machine guns
Mg. abbr.
abbr. magnesium
: 17 phrases in 8 subjects
Earth sciences2
Food industry3
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3