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mat ['mɑ:teɪ] n
gen. Matte f; Wechselrahmen m; matt Farbe; Papier; Abbaumatte f; Vorlage selten : Vorleger; Untersatzkarton m
agric. Grasnarbe f
chem. mattieren; abmatten
construct. Plattenfundament n; Unterbeton m; Fundamentplatte f; Gründungsplatte f; matt (Farbe, Oberfläche); mattiert (Anstrich); Fundamentrost m; Betongrundplatte f; Stabplatte f; Bewehrungsmatte f; Straßenteppichbelag m; Filz m; Faserfilz f; Dämmatte f
earth.sc., industr., construct. stumpf; matt
industr. Teppich m
industr., construct. Würfelbund n; Spanvlies n; Spänekuchen m; Mattenbildung f; Panama m
mining. Bohlenplattform f
phys. trüb
tech. glanzlos; mattiert
tech., industr., construct. Brüche m; Vorlage f
transp. Fussmatte f
mat ['mɑ:teɪ] n
polygr. Mater f; Matrize f
mat ['mɑ:teɪ] v
construct. verfilzen (zu Filz machen)
 English thesaurus
Mat. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mathematical
mat ['mɑ:teɪ] abbr.
abbr. material; materiel; matrix
abbr., adv. matt
abbr., med. maternal origin
inf. matinee; matter; maturity
mat. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. matter
abbr., math. matrix
polym. material
MAT ['mɑ:teɪ] abbr.
abbr. Machine Automation Tools; Minimum Alternate Tax; Model Action Talk; Moderation Assurance And Tranquility; M1 Abrams Tank (Alex Lilo); MAC Address Translation (Alex Lilo); Machine-Assisted Translation (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Access Terminal (Alex Lilo); Maintenance and Administration Terminal (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Augmentation Team (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Tape (Alex Lilo); Major Area Team (Alex Lilo); Male Annihilation Technique (fruit flies control Alex Lilo); Man About Town (Alex Lilo); Management Aptitude Test (Alex Lilo); Management Assistance Team (Alex Lilo); Management, Administrative, and Technological (Alex Lilo); Manual Angle Tracking (Alex Lilo); Map Administration Tool (Alex Lilo); Maryland Accessible Telecommunications Program (Alex Lilo); Master Automotive Technician (Alex Lilo); Masters in the Art of Teaching (Alex Lilo); Material/Materiel (Alex Lilo); Material/Mine Assembly Team (Alex Lilo); Materials Management (Alex Lilo); Mathematics (Alex Lilo); Matte (Alex Lilo); Maximum Attainable Throughput (Alex Lilo); Mean Annual Temperature (Alex Lilo); Measurement of Atmosphere Turbulence; Measurement of Atmospheric Turbulence; Media Access Time (Alex Lilo); Medical Analysis Tool (Alex Lilo); Medical Association of Thailand (Alex Lilo); Medication Administration Technician (Alex Lilo); Medium Assault Transport; Memory Acceleration Technology (Alex Lilo); Meridian Administration Tool (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Achievement Test (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Area Transit (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Area Trunks (Alex Lilo); Michigan Association of Timbermen (Alex Lilo); Microdyne Automated Terminal (Alex Lilo); Microscopic Agglutination Test (Alex Lilo); Military Air Traffic (Alex Lilo); Miller Analysis Test (Alex Lilo); Minimal Aggregate Traffic (Alex Lilo); Mission Applications Tool (Alex Lilo); Mission Area Team (Alex Lilo); Mixed Air Temperature (HVAC systems Alex Lilo); Mobile Access Terminal (Alex Lilo); Mobile Aeronautical Telemetry (Alex Lilo); Mobile Agent Technology (Alex Lilo); Modular Administration Tool; Modular Alarm Transmitter (Alex Lilo); Monitoring, Analysis and Testing (Alex Lilo); Monthly Average Treasury (Alex Lilo); Moscow Art Theater (Alex Lilo); Moscow Arts Theatre (Alex Lilo); Most Appreciated Team; Movement Area Training (Alex Lilo); Moving Treasuries Average (Alex Lilo); Mu Alpha Theta (national high school and junior college mathematics club for honors students Alex Lilo); Multi Axis Trainer (Alex Lilo); Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (type of supra ventricular arrhythmia Alex Lilo); Multiple Access Transponder (Alex Lilo); Municipal Association of Tasmania (Alex Lilo); Muscle Activation Technique (Alex Lilo); Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (Alex Lilo)
abbr., AI. Medial Axis Transform
abbr., auto. manifold air temperature; manual automatic transmission; master automobile technician
abbr., automat. manufacturing automation technology
abbr., avia. maintenance alert time; material acceptance test; mission analysis team; multi-purpose access terminal
abbr., cardiol. multi-focal atrial tachycardia (MichaelBurov); multifocal atrial tachycardia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. micro activity testing (катализаторов shikisai)
abbr., dat.proc. machine-assisted translation
abbr., ed., scient. Miller Analogies Test
abbr., el. master acceptance test; match; maximum access time; memory access time; metropolitan area trunk; microwave antenna tower; modular assembly technique; multimedia access terminal; multiple access test; multiple access time
abbr., file.ext. Matrix data file (Matlab); Micro Alloy Transistor; Table shortcut (MS Access)
abbr., histol. Marrow adipose tissue (iwona)
abbr., immunol. microagglutination technique
abbr., IT Machine Assisted Translation; Multiply And Add To; machine-aided translation; microalloy transistor
abbr., law Marijuana Action Team
abbr., ling. machine assisted translation (Artjaazz)
abbr., math., scient. Multi Auto Transformation
abbr., med. multi-focal atrial tachycardia (Vosoni)
abbr., med.appl. Acquisition matrix (Sagoto)
abbr., mil. medical analysis tool; Minimum Activity Tour; Mobile Advisory Team; Mobilization Assistance Team; Module Acceptance Test
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic tape address table
abbr., nautic. mine assembly team; Matadi, Congo (Kinshasa)
abbr., phys., scient. Manifold Air Temperature
abbr., physiol., med. Maternal; Medication Administration Training
abbr., progr., IT Multimedia Authoring Tool
abbr., Russia Moscow Art Theatre (igisheva)
abbr., scient. Master of Arts in Teaching; Moist Acidic Tundra
abbr., scottish Marksman Advanced Trainer; Modular Advanced Test; Multi-Arms Trainer
abbr., st.exch. Mattel, Inc.; Moving Average Treasury
abbr., transp. Marine Aviation Transport; Morehead Area Transit
airports, avia. Matadi, Congo
comp. mean acquisition time
mil. mechanical aptitude test; military advisory team; military air transport; military aircraft types; missile acceptance team; missile acceptance tests; missile adapter tester; missile, antitank; mobile aerial target; mobile arming tower; mobile assistance team; multiple address telegram
tech. management advisory team; memory address test; memory address translator
Mat. abbr.
abbr., securit. matured
invest. maturity
lat. Matutinum (Matins Breviary)
MAT ['mɑ:teɪ] abbr.
abbr. military airplane type; Military Air Traffic Center; Moving Annual Total
abbr., avia. message acknowledge time; multidrop access trunk
abbr., busin. matured
abbr., clin.trial. moving annual trend (iwona)
abbr., earth.sc. map archival tape; mean areal temperature; Mid Atlantic trough; minimum alternative tax
abbr., med. mammary ascites tumor (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil machine analysis table; mechanical assembly technique; methanol-acetone-toluene; microactivity testing; microreactor activity test; Mid-Atlantic trough; middle axis transform; modular allocation technique; more active tetragonal
abbr., pharm. Monocyte Activation Test (испытание на активацию моноцитов CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., space meteorological atmospheric turbulence; microwave arcjet thruster; missile acceptance test; modification approval test
: 356 phrases in 37 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2
Austrian usage1
British usage, not spelling7
Food industry2
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology3
Mechanic engineering6
Medical appliances3
Mineral products2
Municipal planning7
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation7
Natural sciences3
Shooting sport2
Textile industry1
Thermal Energy1