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gen. Gruppe; Pulk; Herde; Schule; in Gruppen einteilen
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fin. IT Leitwegeermittlung für Nachrichten
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gen. sowie
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 charging equipment
gen. Aufladegerät
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noun | verb | to phrases
group [gru:p] n
gen. Gruppe f; Pulk m (militärisch); Herde Wale (whales); Schule Delfine; Schweinswale (dolphins; porpoises); in Gruppen einteilen; Gruppeper.Syst. f; Arbeitsgemeinschaft f
agric. Geflügelstall für Intensivhaltung; Brigade- f; Gruppen- f; gruppenweise
AI. Nominalgruppe f
busin., labor.org. Gruppe von Unternehmen
commun. Bündel n (of lines)
comp., MS Gruppe f (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user); Gruppe f (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
construct. Reihenhauser n; Gebäudegruppe f; Gebäudekomplex m; Gruppe f (of buildings); Komplex m (of buildings); zusammenstellen; anordnen; entwerfen
econ. Brigade f; Anzahl f; Gruppierung f; zu einer Gruppe gehören (with mit)
ed. einteilen
el. Plattensatz m; Primärgruppe f; Grundgruppe f
IT Anweisungsverbund m
law Fraktion f
med. Familie f; Gattung f
nucl.phys. in Gruppen Zusammenfassen
obs., chem. Radikal n
phys. Familie f (in the periodic table)
stratigr. Paket n (mehrere zu einer Einheit zusammengefaßte Schichten)
tech. Bündel n; Gremium n; Kategorie f; Klasse f; Konzern m; Staffel f; Trupp m; Blockgruppe f; Hauptbereich m
telecom. Leitungsbündel n
weap. Schussbild n; Treffergruppe f
Group Employers [gru:p] n
gen. Gruppe I Arbeitgeber
Groups [gru:ps] n
comp., MS Gruppen f (The link to the online communities on Windows Live Groups); Gruppen f (The link to the online communities on Windows Live Groups)
Group Employees [gru:p] n
gen. Gruppe II Arbeitnehmer
О group n
hi.energ. O-Gruppe n
group [gru:p] v
gen. gruppieren
comp., MS gruppieren (To arrange or associate one or more resources)
construct. in Gruppen anordnen
microel. in Gruppen anordnen
tech. gliedern
 English thesaurus
group [gru:p] n
mil., abbr. gp; gru; gr; grp
mil., logist. Traditional appellation of the battalion employment force package gathering several Artillery basic units or Commissariat basic units. (FRA)
tech., abbr. gro
USA A flexible administrative and tactical unit composed of either two or more battalions or two or more squadrons; A number of ships and/or aircraft, normally a subdivision of a force, assigned for a specific purpose; A long-standing functional organization that is formed to support a broad function within a joint force commander’s headquarters (JP 3-33)
Group [gru:p] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .grp (file name extension)
group routing: 4 phrases in 3 subjects