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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
grit [grɪt] n
gen. Kies m; Schotter m; Split m; Streusand m; Streugut n (für Straßen); Grieß m (Sand, grobes Pulver); Charakterfestigkeit f; Charakterstärke f; Korn n; Stehvermögen n
chem. Sandstein m
construct. Schrot m; Grus m; Gurt m; Zange Ú; Feinsplitt m; gebrochener Kies; Kiessand m; Splitt m; Körnung f (Schleifpapier); Sand m
industr., construct. Schleifsteinsand m
mater.sc., met., mech.eng. Schleifstoff m; Abreibungsmittel n; Schleifmittel n
med. Grieß m
met. Strahlmittel n; Gries m; Sandstein Schrot
mining. Grobsand m; grober Sand; grobkörniger Sand; grobkörniger Sandstein; ungleichkörniger Sandstein
nat.res. Grus m (angular gravel)
nucl.phys. Griess m (Auch grobe Partikel)
sewage Sandfanggut
slang Zigarette f
tech. Körnung f; Mut m
textile Schleifkorn n
transp., construct. feiner Kies; Feinkies m
grits [grɪts] n
agric. Graupen f; Grütze f
food.ind. Grießmehl n; Grieß m; Schrot m (hulled, coarsely ground grain)
nucl.phys. Spritzkorn n (i.e. coarse particles in fines fraction as result of bouncing/rebounding)
grinding grit [grɪt] n
opt. Schleifstaub m
grit [grɪt] v
construct. bekiesen; absplitten; absanden
grits [grɪts] v
industr., construct., chem. Gruetze
gritted v
gen. knirschte
gritting v
construct. Absplitten (Straßenbau)
grit [grɪt] adj.
met. Grieβ
 English thesaurus
GRITS [grɪts] abbr.
abbr. Girls Raised In The South; Grandmas Raised In The South; Gals Racing In The South; Girl Raised In The South
abbr., el. Goddard range instrumentation tracking system
abbr., mil., avia. gamma-ray imaging telescope system
abbr., mus. Grammatical Revolution In The Spirit
abbr., relig. God's Renewal In The Spirit; Graphical Revolution In The Spirit
abbr., sport. Golfing Region In Texas Southern; Greater Raleigh Intrepid Tandem Society
GRIT [grɪt] abbr.
abbr. Girls Reeling It Together; Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension; Graffiti Removal And Intervention Team; grantor retaining income trust
abbr., comp., IT Graphical Revolution Interface Technology
abbr., inet. Global Ranma Insanity Thread
abbr., mil. Guard Recruits In Training
abbr., securit. grantor retained income trust
abbr., st.exch. Grantor Retained Interest Trust
mil. graduated reduction in tensions
: 140 phrases in 19 subjects
Food industry5
Life sciences1
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation17
Optics branch of physics3
Sewage and wastewater treatment3