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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
fag [fæg] n
gen. Tunte f; Schwuchtel f (abw.); Plackerei f; Schinderei f; Schwule m; Schwuler m; abrackern
abbr., inf. Kippe f (für Zigarette)
brit. Fluppe f (sl.: Zigarette); Kippe f (sl.: Zigarette)
inf. Stäbchen n (ugs.: Zigarette); Fluppe ugs. : Zigarette; Tschick österr., ugs. : Zigarette
inf., BrE Glimmstengel m; Glimmstängel m
met. Beanspruchung f; Müdung f
slang Schwuchtel f; Hinterlader m (Victorian)
fags n
brit. Glimmstengel m; Glimmstängel m
fag sl.: male homosexual [fæg] n
inf., amer. Schwuchtel abwertend; Schwuler m; Tunte abwertend
fag public school sl. [fæg] n
brit. Diener m (jüngerer Mitschüler eines Präfekten)
fag coll.: gay [fæg] n
inf., amer. warmer Bruder
fag [fæg] v
busin. abplacken
 English thesaurus
fag [fæg] abbr.
abbr. faggo (a male homosexual)
inf. faggot (a male homosexual Val_Ships)
FAG [fæg] abbr.
abbr., avia. final approach gate
abbr., med. fluorescein angiography (Millie)
abbr., pharm. fibrin adhesive gel
FAG [fæg] abbr.
abbr. Facial Aging Gas; Fan Art Gallery; Fans Against Gordon; Fantastic Awesome Guy; Fine Art Gallery; First Age Girls; FOBulous Asian Gangster; A Former Arkansas Governor; Faggots Are Gay; Fairy Attorney General; Female Ass Grabber; Film Actors Guild; Fine Asian Guy; Fine Ass Guy
abbr., avia. Fagurholsmyri, Iceland
abbr., goldmin. FAG mill (MichaelBurov); fully autogenous mill (MichaelBurov)
abbr., media. Frame Alignment Gauge
abbr., mil. Fast Action Gun; Frequency Allocation Group
abbr., O&G Fire and Gas detection system (Yeldar Azanbayev); Fire&Gas detection system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., org.name. Forestry Advisers Group
abbr., sport. Fake Action Gaming
abbr., tradem. Fischer Aktien Gesellschaft
abbr., vet.med., med. Farm Animals Group
mil. field activities group (asd); finance and accounting group; fleet assistance group
Fag. abbr.
mus. fagotto
fag: 12 phrases in 5 subjects