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to phrases
debugger [ˌdiː'bʌgə, -ər] n
gen. Debugger m; Entwanzer m; Fehleraufspürer m; Testhilfsprogramm n
AI. Fehlersuch und -korrekturprogramm
comp. Fehlersuchprogramm n; Fehlersuch- und Korrekturprogramm
comp., MS Debugger m (A program designed to aid in detecting, locating, and correcting errors in another program by allowing the programmer to step through the program, examine the data, and monitor conditions such as the values of variables)
IT Debug Programm
law, ADR Programm zur Fehlerbehebung
phys. Diagnoseprogramm n
tech. Testhilfe f; Testprogramm n
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology1