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dabs n
gen. Klapse m
ichtyol. Klieschen f (Limanda)
DAB [dæb] abbr.
abbr. Digital Audio Broadcasting
dab [dæb] n
gen. Klaps m; Scharbe f (Fischart); Kliesche f; mit etw. einpinseln
chem. tupfen
fish.farm. Scharbe f (Limanda ferruginea, Limanda herzensteini, Limanda limanda); Kliesche f (Limanda ferruginea, Limanda herzensteini, Limanda limanda)
food.ind. Kliesche f (Scharbe; Limanda limanda)
ichtyol. Kliesche f (Limanda limanda); Scharbe f (Limanda limanda)
life.sc., fish.farm. Kliesche f (Limanda limanda)
to dab [dæb] n
chem., construct. tupfen; stupfen; auftupfen
dabs v
gen. betupft
dab [dæb] v
gen. betupfen; abtupfen
construct. abputzen; tünchen; glätten
dabbed v
gen. abgetupfte; betupfte; abgetupft; betupft
dabbing ['dæbɪŋ] v
gen. betupften
med. Betupfen
 English thesaurus
DAB [dæb] abbr.
abbr. Departmental Appeals Board; Dank Ass Bitch; Dictionary of American Biography; Dumb And Blonde; Dumb Ass Bitch; display assignment bit
abbr., anim.husb. Deutsches Apothekerbuch
abbr., auto. delayed accessory bus; driver air bag (Розмари); delay assist bus; driver side air bag
abbr., avia. Daytona Beach, Florida USA
abbr., chem., scient. Diaminobenzidine
abbr., el. dual active bridge (converter)
abbr., el., scient. Designated Audit Body
abbr., expl. 3,3'-diaminobenzidine
abbr., HF.electr. digital audio broadcast
abbr., IT Delete All But; data acquisition board
abbr., med. diamino benzidine; 4-dimethyl, amino, azobenzene
abbr., media. Digital Audio Broadcast; Digital Audio Broadcasting; Dull And Boring
abbr., mil. Defense Acquisition Board
abbr., mil., avia. Deacon-Arrow Ballistic
abbr., polym. diaminobenzanilide; diaminobenzidine; diazoaminobenzene
abbr., progr., IT Documentum Application Builder
abbr., scottish Defence Acquisition Board (USA)
abbr., shipb. Destroyer Advisory Board
abbr., st.exch. Dave & Busters, Inc.
abbr., transp. Dial-A-Bus
mil. delay action bomb; dependents' allowance board; design appraisal board; disbursing/accounting branch
rude Dick and Balls
tech. destination address bus
dab [dæb] abbr.
abbr. delay-action bomb
fish.farm. iverak (Limanda ferruginea, Limanda herzensteini, Limanda limanda)
DABS abbr.
abbr., avia. discrete air beacon system
abbr., oil discrete-address beacon system
DABS abbr.
abbr. Defense Automated Bidders Service; Dynamic Air Blast Simulator
abbr., avia. Dual Aft Body Strakes (Interex)
abbr., med. Degassed By O2 Absorption (lungs)
abbr., scottish Discrete Address Beacon System
mil. dynamic airblast simulator
tech. direct access beacon system
: 56 phrases in 15 subjects
Food industry2
Life sciences3
Natural sciences1
Oils and lubricants2