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cpt abbr.
abbr. cockpit; compatibility
abbr., earth.sc. centipoise; counter point; counterpoise
mus. counterpoint
cpt. abbr.
abbr., econ. captain
CPT abbr.
abbr. chief programmer team; customer-provided terminal; Carriage Paid To; Certified Phlebotomy Technician; Christian Peacemaker Team; Cross Product Team; A Clinical Patient Testing; Center for Particle Theory; Central Payment Tool; Client Processing Time; Consumer Protection Trends; Cost Per Transfer; Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (The - АД Alexander Demidov); CaPTain
abbr., adv. Cost Per Thousand (triumfov)
abbr., agric. CPT
abbr., auto. carpet; convertible power train
abbr., automat. continuous path tape controlled
abbr., avia. Cape Town, South Africa; capture; cargo processing technician; cockpit procedures training; compatibility test; computer program tapes; crew procedures training
abbr., avia., med. continuous performance test
abbr., comp., net. critical path technique; customer provided terminal
abbr., construct. standard cone penetration test (MichaelBurov); cone penetration test (MichaelBurov); cone penetration test probe (MichaelBurov); CPT probe (MichaelBurov); static probing (MichaelBurov); static sounding (MichaelBurov); Core Penetration Test (Задорожний)
abbr., econ. cost per transaction (Dmitry)
abbr., ed., scient. Computerized Placement Test; Curricular Practical Training
abbr., el. channel program translation; charge parity time; charge-priming transfer; chip process technique; clock, programming and timing; color picture tube; color pyramid technics; command parameter table; concentration profile topography; control point time
abbr., file.ext. Command Pass Through; Compact Pro Compressed Macintosh file archive; Corel Photo-Paint file (Bitmap graphics)
abbr., foreig.aff. European Committee for the Prevention of Torture
abbr., geol., scient. Cone Penetration Test
abbr., health. current procedural terminology
abbr., idiom. Colored people's time is an American expression referring to African Americans as frequently being late. (Natalia D)
abbr., IT CA-Cricket Presents Template; Cellular Paging Teleservice; Color Palette Table; dBASE enCryPTed memo file; Chief Programmer Team
abbr., law Convention for the Prevention of Torture (European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Европейская конвенция по предупреждению пыток и бесчеловечного или унижающего достоинство обращения или наказания MyxuH); corporate profit tax (Евгений Киян)
abbr., math., scient. Cross Product Terms
abbr., med. Child Protection Team; Current Procedural Terminology; Cell Preparation Tube; Current Procedure Terminology; cognitive processing therapy; current perception thresholds (eugeene1979); charged particle therapy (kat_j); chest physiotherapy; combining power test
abbr., med.appl. cold pressor test (harser)
abbr., mil. Captain; Captain, United States Army; Cockpit Procedures Trainer; Crisis Planning Team; common procedural terminology
abbr., mil., air.def. coherent pulse train
abbr., mil., avia. cargo processing technician
abbr., mil., WMD control power transformer
abbr., O&G, sakh. Cone Penetration Testing
abbr., oil cone penetration test; cone penetrometer test (MichaelBurov)
abbr., org.name. Crisis Policy Team; Common Procurement Team; Carriage and Paid to
abbr., physiol. Cognitive Processing Therapy
abbr., quant.mech. charge, parity and time-reversal (MichaelBurov)
abbr., railw. Canadian Pacific Railway
abbr., scottish Command Post Terminal
abbr., st.exch. Camden Property Trust
abbr., tech. Cone Penetrometer Test (Vosoni)
abbr., transp. carriage paid to ...
abbr., vet.med., med. Carnivore Preservation Trust
comp. computerized processing transponder
energ.ind. commercially proven technology
int.transport. Carriage paid to (Incoterms)
mil. central planning team; cockpit procedure trainer; consolidated pilot training; crew procedures trainer
tech. continuous pulse train
Cpt abbr.
abbr. captain; compton electron
cPT abbr.
abbr. congenital tibial pseudarthrosis (iwona)
CPTED abbr.
abbr. Crime prevention through environmental design (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_prevention_through_environmental_design Dan von Winterfell)
CPT abbr.
abbr., avia. cellular paging telecommunications; check point; cockpit trainer; compartment
abbr., busin. colour picture tube; commercial profit tax
abbr., earth.sc. causal processes theory; central pretreatment; charge conjugation-parity-time reversal theorem; chemical placement technique; cone penetrometer
abbr., fin. continuous professional training
abbr., immunol. convalescent plasma therapy (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., met. critical pitting-corrosion temperature
abbr., oil central data terminal; cloud point temperature; compliant piled tower; cone penetrometer technology; corrected probe temperature; critical pitting temperature; critical pumping temperature; cryogenic pressure transducer; crystal pressure transducer; current pulse technique; cyclopentene
abbr., pharm. camptothecin
abbr., sport. Certified Personal Trainer Сертифицированный персональный тренер (Chicho)
abbr., tech. compliant pile tower
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