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computer software
 computer software
gen. Computerprogramme; Software; Computer-Software
| and
comp. UND
meas.inst. UND
gen. sowie; sowohl; und
| telecommunications apparatus
 telecommunications apparatus
patents. Telekommunikationsapparate
| to
gen. zu
| enable
gen. Freigabe
| connection to
 connection to...
telecom. Anbindung an...
| databases
gen. Datei
| and
gen. sowie
| the
gen. den
| Interne
gen. Praktikant
- only individual words found

to phrases
computer software
gen. Computerprogramme n; Software f
patents. Computer-Software m
computer software recorded
gen. Computer-Software gespeichert
computer software recorded
patents. Computersoftware f (gespeichert)
computer software and telecommunications apparatus to enable connection to databases and the
: 1 phrase in 1 subject