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gen. Kommandeur; Fregattenkapitän; Leitender Polizeidirektor
social.sc. Kommandeur
gen. Befehlshaber; Feldherr; Kapitän; Korvettenkapitän
| amphibious
zool. amphibisch
| troops
gen. Schar
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
Commander [kə'mɑ:ndə] n
gen. Fregattenkapitän m; Leitender Polizeidirektor
social.sc. Kommandeur m
commander [kə'mɑ:ndə] n
gen. Befehlshaber m; Feldherr m; Kapitän m
transp., avia. verantwortlicher Luftfahrzeugführer; Kommandant m; verantwortlicher Flugzeugführer
Commander a position rather than a rank [kə'mɑ:ndə] n
gen. Kommandeur Luftwaffe
avia. Kommandeur m
commander mar. [kə'mɑ:ndə] n
gen. Korvettenkapitän m
 English thesaurus
Commander [kə'mɑ:ndə] abbr.
abbr., scottish Comd (British Army)
mil. Canadian Atlantic Subarea; Central Army Group; Central Atlantic Subarea; Central European Air Forces; Central European Ground Forces; Central European Sea Forces; Central Mediterranean Area; Central Pacific; Coastal Artillery; Combined Landing Force; Corps Coastal Artillery; Corps Medium Artillery
commander [kə'mɑ:ndə] abbr.
abbr. com
mil. carrier strike force; combined air operations center (и средств ПВО)
mil., abbr. comd; commdr
mil., logist. A member of the armed forces in a position of authority, entrusted with the command of a sub-unit, a unit or ship, or a formation. In the Armed Forces the commander enjoys unity of command. He is responsible for his force's combat readiness, mobilization preparedness, the success of its combat mission, training, discipline, etc. 2. A senior officer in the Armed Forces, or in other forces in many states, appointed to command a major formation, an arm or service of the Armed Forces; also an operational, operational-strategic or strategic command. In peacetime, provision is made for appointing senior commanders for military districts, groups of forces, fleets, armies, flotillas, the air forces of military districts and fleets and certain arms of the service. In wartime they also take command of front troops. In some foreign states, senior commanders head groupings of armed services forming part of joint commands. (UKR/NATO)
nautic. combined amphibious task force
: 130 phrases in 20 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Emergency medical care1
Hobbies and pastimes3
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering3
Obsolete / dated2
United Nations1