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cats n
gen. Katzen f
mamm. echte Katzen (Felidae); katzenartige Raubtiere (Felidae); Katzen f (Felidae); Katzen f (Felis)
nat.res. Katzen f (Felidae spp., Felidae)
cat [kæt] n
gen. Katze f; Methcathinon n
environ., agric. Raupe f
mamm. Katze f (Felis silvestris (domesticus))
mining. harter Töpferton; schwere Planierraupe (s.a. caterpillar 1.)
nat.res. Katze f (Felis catus)
domestic cat Felis catus [kæt] n
gen. Hauskatze f
CAT BRD [kæt] n
transp. cabinentaxi
 English thesaurus
cats. abbr.
abbr., libr. catalogs
CAT [kæt] abbr.
abbr. chloramphenical acetyltransferase; computer-aided transcription
abbr., auto. computer-aided experimental testing
abbr., avia. commercial air transport; computer aided tooling; computer aided typesetting; computer assisted training
abbr., fr., avia. comité de l'assistance technique
abbr., IT Computer Aided Team; Computer Aided Training; Computer Aided Transport
abbr., med. capillary agglutination test; child's apperception test; cholineacetyltransferase; chronic abdominal tympany
abbr., shipb. combined acceptance trial
abbr., tech. Cabinen Taxi
cat [kæt] n
coll., abbr. traktor guseničar
mamm. agriogata (Felis silvestris (domesticus))
mil., lingo catapult (MichaelBurov)
tech. caterpillar (MichaelBurov); catapult (MichaelBurov)
cat. abbr.
abbr. caterpillar; catalogue (Vosoni)
abbr., busin. catamaran; category
abbr., earth.sc. catalog; catalyst; catalytic; catalytical
Cats abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. cataract
Cat. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. cataract; cataracts
CATS abbr.
abbr. cable transfer splicing system; Certificates of Accrual on Treasury Securities; Charlotte Area Transit System; Cheap Access To Space; Commonwealth Assessment And Testing System; Communication And Technology Services; Community Active Travel Services; Companion Animals Touching Seniors; Complete Anti Terrorist Solution; Computer Aided Tracking System; Computer Assisted Trading System; Convert All Tax Systems; Crazy Aged Tyrant Stinks; Customer Account Tracking System; Cats Always Tear Stitchery; Children Aiming To Succeed; Civil Affairs Training School; Combat Airlift Tactics' School; Combined Arms Training Systems; Computer Assisted Trouble Shooting; Computer Assistive Technology Solutions; Computer-Assisted Trading System (dimock); Consortium For Academic Technology Staff; Corrective Action Tracking System (Yeldar Azanbayev); Customer Access To Transactional Services; Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (Artjaazz); computer-aided trouble-shooting
abbr., auto. computer aided test suite; continuity adjustable tracing system; control active technology suspension system
abbr., automat. computer-aided telemetry system; computer-automated test system
abbr., avia. computer automatic testing system; catastrophic; common acceptance test station; computer aided telemetry system; computer aided testing system; computer aided teaching system; computer aided training system; computer aided trouble shooting
abbr., busin. catalogues
abbr., comp.name. China Association of Trade in Services
abbr., ed. Cycling Against Teen Smoking; Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. Center for Academically Talented Students; College Age Tigs Staff; Credit Accumulation And Transfer System
abbr., el. card authorization terminal system; common access telecommunications system; computer-aided thermography system; computer-aided transcription system; computer-assisted training system
abbr., el., scient. Computer Aided Tolerance Specification
abbr., energ.distr. Central Area Transmission System (amorgen)
abbr., EU. Article 36 Committee
abbr., file.ext. Computer Assisted Training System
abbr., fin. Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities
abbr., food.ind. Chicken And Tomato Soup
abbr., IT Computerised Aircraft Tracking System (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., med. Canadian Association Of Thoracic Surgeons. Association Canadienne De Chirurgie Thoracique; Cut All To Shit
abbr., mil. Combined Arms Training Strategy; Common Automated Test System
abbr., oil central area transmission system; computer automated test system; computer-aided test scanning; computer-assisted test shop
abbr., railw. Cumbres and Toltec Scenic
abbr., scottish Comator Advanced Training System (Sweden); Combat Aircrew Training System; Common Automatic Test System
abbr., space centralized automatic testing system; communication and tracking system; comprehensive an a lytical test system; computer-accessed telemetry system; computer-aided trouble shooting; computer automatic test system
abbr., sport. Children's Athletic Training School
abbr., tradem. Card And Ticket Shop; Cross Application Time Sheet
abbr., transp. Chicago Area Transportation Study
comp. consolidated area telephone system
invest. certificates of accrual on Treasury securities
mil. centralized automatic test system; communications and tracking system; comprehensive analytical test system
Nasdaq Catalyst Semiconductor
CATs abbr.
abbr., biol. computerized axial tomographies
: 541 phrases in 47 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
American usage, not spelling2
Amphibians and reptiles5
British usage, not spelling6
Earth sciences1
Energy industry2
Fish farming pisciculture7
Food industry10
Information technology1
International Monetary Fund1
Life sciences8
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation27
Natural sciences6
Nuclear physics2
Optics branch of physics10