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caps [kæps] n
gen. Hauben f; Mützen f; Zündblättchen n
busin., IT Versalsatz m
cap [kæp] n
gen. Deckel f; Haube f; Kappe f; Mütze f; Pessar m (zur Empfängnisverhütung); Laufflächengummi m (tyre); Laufflächenkrone f (tyre); Ventilkappe m (valve); Zündplättchen n; Zündblättchen n; Deckelung f; Deckschicht f; Hüllenendstück n; "Rucksack" m; Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung; Verschluss n (Benzintank)
account. Obergrenze f
agric. Käppchen n; Hut m; Tresterhut m; Mützchen n
auto. Lauffläche f
brit. mit dem Finger an der Kappe grüßen (Lehrer); mit dem Finger an der Kappe grüßen Lehrer
busin., IT Versalsatz m
chem. Kappe f (Verschluss/Deckel); Verkappen n; verschließen (mit Deckel); Verschluss n (Deckel); Verschlusskappe f; Sprengkapsel f; Zünder m; Zündkapsel f; Hütchen n; Initialzünder m; Kalotte f
coal. Innenhuetchen n
commer., transp. Schnappdeckel m
comp. Dach n; Fehlzeichen n
comp., MS Linienende n (For paths that contain unconnected ends, such as lines, the end of a stroke. You can change the way the stroke looks at each end by applying one of four end cap styles: flat cap, round cap, square cap, and triangle cap); Abschluss m (For paths that contain unconnected ends, such as lines, the end of a stroke. You can change the way the stroke looks at each end by applying one of four end cap styles: flat cap, round cap, square cap, and triangle cap)
construct. Stahlkappe f; Abdeckhaube f; Verschlussstück n (Formstück); Kopfplatte f; Kapitell n; Glocke f (Dachdeckung); Schwellholz n; Magerbetonfundamentunterbettung f; Rammhaube f (Pfahlgründung)
earth.sc. Deckgebirge n; Deckgestein n
el. Anschlußkappe f; Trägermaterial n; Basis,Sockel von Elektronenröhren; Grundplatte Relais (Relais)
fin. cap; Begrenzungssatz m; Höchstkurs m
footb. Berufung f (in die Nationalmanschaft)
forestr. Rückehaube f
hobby Jagdkappe f
IMF. Höchstzinssatz n; Zinsbegrenzung nach oben; Zinsbegrenzungsvereinbarung
industr., construct. Krone f
industr., construct., met. Brennerhalsgewölbe n; Führungsgewölbe n; Absprengkappe f; Kuppe m
inf. Großbuchstabe m
IT nach oben
law, ADR Begrenzung f; Zinsobergrenze f (bei variabler Verzinsung e-r Schuld)
mater.sc. Verschlusschraube f
mater.sc., construct. Pfahlhaube f; Pfahlkopf m
mech.eng. Schutzkappe f
med. Arzthaube f; Kaeppchen n; Einbißkappe f; Einbißkäppchen n
mining. Läufer m (beim Rahmenausbau); Aureole f (einer Wetterlampe)
pack. Kapsel f (1. Packmittel, 2. Verschlußmittel, siehe 3844); verkapseln; Verschlußkappe Kappe
phys. Aufsatz m
polygr. Majuskel f
tech. Abdeckkappe f; Abdeckung f; Fassung f; Hülse f; Mantel m; Sockel m; Stecker m; Tastenkappe f; Verschlußdeckel m; Verschlußkappe f; Anlüftkappe f; Anstoßkappe f; Kapsel f; Verschlussstück n
weap. Geschossspitze f; Geschosskappe f; Flobertpatrone m; Spreng-Kapsel; Zündhütchen n
CAP [kæp] abbr.
abbr. Common Agricultural Policy
comp. computergestütztes Publizieren; rechnergestütztes Publizieren
cap of a mushroom [kæp] n
gen. Hut eines Pilzes; Schirm eines Pilzes
to cap [kæp] n
industr., construct., met. abbrechen
caps short for capitals [kæps] n
gen. Großbuchstaben m
caps headwear [kæps] n
gen. Mützen f
cap [kæp] v
build.struct. Säulenkopf; Kopfbalken; Kappholz; Holm; Endstück; Kopf; Kopfstück; Kopfende; Kopfausbildung
construct. Rohrverschluß; Pfropfen; bedecken; abdecken; schließen; verschließen
electr.eng. Lampensockel
industr., construct. Schirmmuetze
met. Schlagpatrone; Rohrkopf
mining. abdichten (ein Bohrloch); einbinden (ein Seil)
opt. abdecken (e.g. a lens)
tech. Decke
capping ['kæpɪŋ] v
econ., met. verkapseln
industr., construct. Zupfropfen
med. Kappe
to cap [kæp] v
agric. verdeckeln
caps [kæps] abbr.
comp. Großbuchstaben
mining. Fangstützen; Aufsetzvorrichtung
polygr. Versalien
 English thesaurus
caps. abbr.
abbr. capitals; capsule
cap [kæp] abbr.
abbr., chess.term. captain of a team
abbr., libr. foolscap
abbr., med., lat. capiat
fin. cap
inf. captain (MichaelBurov)
CAP [kæp] abbr.
abbr. cyclic AMP receptor protein
abbr., adv. Canadian Associated Press; Committee of Advertising Practice
abbr., AI. computer-aided planning
abbr., anim.husb. chloro-acetoxy progesterone; Committee on Agricultural Policies (ECE); 6-chloro-6-17-acetoxy-progesterone
abbr., avia. civil aviation products; commercial aviation products; common avionics processor; computer aided programming; contractor acquired acquire property; contract authorized proposal; cost account package; cost account plan
abbr., meteorol. catabolic gene activity protein; College of American Pathologists; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Cisplatin; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Platinol; cystine aminopeptidase
abbr., mil., avia. Canadian Aircraft Products
abbr., O&G, oilfield. casing annulus packer (Yerkwantai)
abbr., oil corporate accounting principles (NPSZRK)
abbr., textile computer aided pattern
Cap [kæp] abbr.
abbr., med. ∑-aminocaproic acid
CAP [kæp] abbr.
abbr., auto. camshaft position; College Automotive Program; crank angular position
abbr., med. cAMP receptor
caps [kæps] abbr.
abbr. capabilities; capsule
abbr., libr. capitals
polygr. capital letters
CAPS [kæps] abbr.
abbr. Canadian Association Of Professional Speakers; Chedoke Amputee Peer Support; Child And Adult Protective System; Christian Association for Psychological Studies; Community Alternative Placement Scheme; Computer Aided Product Selection; Credit Assessment And Programme Specifications; Canadian Army Provost Corps; Capitals, Agreement, Punctuation, And Spelling; Career Advising Program For Students; Chicagos Alternative Policing Strategy; Child Amblyopia Prevention Screening; Clinical Analysis And Problem Solving; Combined Attitude And Perspective Survey; Consult Agent Publish And Sell; conventional armaments planning system CAPRIS, combat active/passive radar identification system; Corporate Account Printing Solutions; Corporate Accounts Payable System; compact assembler programming system; Common Assessment and Progression System (Heriot-Watt University Johnny Bravo)
abbr., AI. CAPS (Schachprogramm)
abbr., avia. computer aided printer system; computer aided publication system
abbr., commun. Call Attempts Per Second
abbr., earth.sc. coastal aerial photo-laser survey; computer-aided programming system
abbr., el. computer-aided placement service; computer-aided programming software; computer automatic positioning system; customer access systems utilizing packaged silicon-on-insulator integrated optical components
abbr., energ.syst. Central Asia Power System (Есенжан)
abbr., file.ext. Cassette Programming System
abbr., fin. convertible adjustable preferred stock
abbr., lab.eq. Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence
abbr., law Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy; Citizen Action Produces Strength
abbr., logist. Computerized Automatic Part Searching System (Mitsubishi Motors Co. gorbulenko)
abbr., med. Canadian Association For People Who Stutter; Canadian Association Of Paediatric Surgeons. Association Canadienne De Chirurgie Pédiatrique; Cardiac Arrhythmia Pilot Study; Care Profile System; Community Adjustment Profile System; Computer-aided Prototyping System; Center For AIDS Prevention Studies; Chinese American Physicians Society; catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (inspirado); computer-assisted prosthesis selection (MichaelBurov); Childhood Arthritis Prospective Study (intern); Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes (криопирин-связанные периодические синдромы, группа заболеваний Земцова Н.); Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Services; clinician-administered post-traumatic stress patient interview
abbr., mil. Computer Aided Prototyping System; Computer Assisted Problem Solving; Consolidated Aerial Port System; & LIMS Capabilities and Limitations; Counter Active Protection System; Conventional Armaments Planning System (Brücke)
abbr., mil., avia. capital letters
abbr., nautic., scient. Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
abbr., oil computer aided pump selection; computer-aided planning system; computer-aided prefect study; computer-assisted product search; connection analysis program of Sumitamo
abbr., physiol. Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndrome
abbr., post Centralized Account Payment System (possibly incorrect translation in POSTCOM, 2008); Centralized Automated Payment System; Centralized Automatic Payment System
abbr., progr., IT Computer Animation Production System; Computerized Animation Production System
abbr., relig. Christian Association of Psychological Studies
abbr., scient. Center For Academic Program Support
abbr., scottish Coastal Aerial Photo-Laser Survey System (USA); Communications / Aural Protective System; Computer Antenna Pointing System; Conventional Armaments Planning System (NATO)
abbr., space crew activity planning system
abbr., sport. Can Am Pylon Society; Charlton Athletic Priority Scheme
abbr., tradem. Capital Area Pronunciation Specialists; Combined Actuarial Performance Services; Counseling And Psychological Services
abbr., transp. Certified Airline Passenger Services; Computer Assisted Passenger Screening
mil. central automated personnel system; command automated procurement system; common armaments planning system; control and auxiliary power supply system; conventional armaments planning system
NGO Children of Aging Parents
tech. cell atmosphere processing system; checkout and firing subsystem; Collins adaptive processing system; combined action-information organization and fire-control system; common attitude pointing system; construction advanced planning and sequencing; content addressable file store
caps: 1055 phrases in 80 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution2
American usage, not spelling4
Antennas and waveguides5
British usage, not spelling1
Cables and cable production2
Cycle sport1
Earth sciences11
Equestrian sports1
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal2
Food industry33
Foreign trade1
Health care1
High energy physics3
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology3
International Monetary Fund9
Life sciences2
Lighting other than cinema2
Materials science20
Measuring instruments5
Mechanic engineering24
Medical appliances11
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation14
Natural sciences9
Oil and gas3
Optics branch of physics3
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Social science20
Soil science2
Textile industry1
Water polo4
Weapons and gunsmithing24
Радиоактивное излучение2