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baseband ['beɪsbænd] n
gen. Basisband n
commun. Basisband n (signal; network: 2-15 MB/s, only one TDM channel, CSMA/CD or token passing access); Gleichsignallage f (level)
comp., MS Basisband- n (Of or relating to communications systems in which the medium of transmission (such as a wire or fiber-optic cable) carries a single message at a time in digital form. Baseband communication is found in local area networks such as Ethernet and Token Ring)
el. Basisbandtechnik f; Basisbandübertragung f; Basisband-Signal n
tech. Basisfrequenzband n
 English thesaurus
baseband ['beɪsbænd] n
IT A form of modulation in which data signals are pulsed directly on the transmission medium without frequency division and usually utilize a transceiver (The entire bandwidth of the transmission medium (e.g., coaxial cable) is utilized for a single channel)
baseband adaptive
: 1 phrase in 1 subject