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verb | noun | abbreviation | word form | to phrases
ate [et] v
gen. ; aßen
eat [i:t] v
gen. essen; verzehren; essen (du isst, ißt (alt), er isst, ißt (alt)); fressen; er/sie hat/hatte gegessen; ich/er/sie aß; ich/er/sie äße; verspeisen
tech. speisen
eaten ['i:tn] v
gen. gefressen; gegessen
eat rare: ate [i:t] v
eat! v
gen. friss!
 English thesaurus
ATE [et] abbr.
abbr. Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (Banyan, VINES); ATM Terminating Equipment (SONET, ATM); Automated or Automatic Test Equipment
abbr., ed., scient. Advanced Technology Education
abbr., el. airborne teletypewriter equipment; anisotropic etching; associated telephone exchanges; automatic test executor; autonomous testing equipment
abbr., inet. After The Event
abbr., isol. assessed thermal endurance index
abbr., IT Ascii To Ebcdic
abbr., med. Acute Toxic Encephalopathy; Acute Toxicity End Point; Adipose Tissue Extract; Autologous Tumor Extract; After The End; At The End; angiotensine transforming enzyme (ADol)
abbr., mil. Automated Test Equipment
abbr., opt. automatic test and evaluation
abbr., polym. aluminum triethyl
abbr., transp. Automatic Test Equipment
mil. acceptance test equipment; advanced technology engine; automatic test equipment
tech. airborne test equipment; altitude transmitting equipment
eaten ['i:tn] v
gen. eat
EATS [i:ts] abbr.
abbr., oil explosive acoustic telemetry system
ATE [et] abbr.
abbr., chem.comp. acute toxicity estimate (Баян)
abbr., earth.sc. aluminium triethyl; area test equipment; Atlantic Tropical Experiment
abbr., med. arterial thromboembolic events (oxana135)
abbr., oil apparent temperature of equilibration; automatic automated test equipment
abbr., oil.proc. approach to equilibrium phase (Izuminka2008)
abbr., space along track error
ate [et] form.
ate and left no crumbs (internet slang)
ATE [et] abbr.
abbr. additional termination event
abbr., avia. aircraft test equipment; audio terminal equipment; auto throttle engaged; automatic automated test equipment; automatic tool exchanger
abbr., commun. automatic telephone exchange
abbr., IT Automated Test ing Equipment
abbr., mil., air.def. adaptation to environment
abbr., OHS ACUTE TOXICITY ESTIMATE (Acute toxicity estimate (ATE) is a method for estimating the acute toxicity of a chemical or drug. safeopedia.com Dimohod)
: 128 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Earth sciences1
Food industry2
Health care3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences5