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noun | verb | to phrases
anus ['eɪnəs] n
gen. After m (Körperöffnung); Anus m
emerg.care After m; Anus m
jarg. Arschloch m
anu v
food.ind. Knollige Kapuzinerkresse (Tropaeolum tuberosum); Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum)
 English thesaurus
anus ['eɪnəs] abbr.
abbr., austral., slang freckle
ANU abbr.
abbr. Airplane Nose Up
abbr., avia. Antigua, West Indies
abbr., BrE army newspaper unit
abbr., ed., scient. Australian National University
abbr., mil., avia. aircraft nose up
ANUS ['eɪnəs] abbr.
abbr. Another Nonsensical Usage of Spinach; American Nihilist Underground Society
abbr., inet. American Nihilistic Underground Society
abbr., mus. A New Underground Sound
ANu abbr.
abbr., soil. umbric andosol
: 74 phrases in 4 subjects
Emergency medical care2
Medical appliances6